[center][hr] [url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/paprika-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180612/ad7109ca0df4099c1f1c27dd555f0f8f.png[/img][/url] [hr][/center] Sara drifted down from her place on the ceiling then looked at Samantha and excused herself to find something to eat once she realised she was hungry and a bit embarrassed as was her roommate so thought it best to allow the condition to settle before starting over. As soon as she was out in the corridor Sara’s talent was hammered from every direction by the languages of ACE. It was for her a bit like an intoxicant making her feel a bit giddy. It was just the audible but the many varied forms used by all the different races to pass on ideas and the reason she had jumped at the chance to attend. She felt her skin tingle as she began aura reading the people she passed in the halls discovering strange combinations of color that she was beginning to think displayed that like language motive and actions were as varied. This was another area she knew needed definition and classification which she could pass on to the tpees of earth.