[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=yellow]Lance Banner[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://s19.postimg.cc/cipndh6gz/giphy.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] Lance started panicking again, but he couldn't get his hands free. [color=ed1c24]"Perhaps I should take you out of the room Ms. Stark if you keep saying things like that, or at least separate you two a little bit,"[/color] Sterns said, glaring at Guin, before he grabbed her by the arm and ended up dragging her away from Lance, to the opposite side of the room, setting her in the corner that had almost nothing next to it. [color=ed1c24]"There, that is better, now Mr. Banner, I have been trying to see if I could replicate the exact incident that resulted in the Hulk's creation, and I believe that you might be able to help me,"[/color] he said as he walked back to Lance who was starting to panic a lot more. [color=yellow]"That's crazy! I don't know what you think I could help you with!"[/color] Lance said, managing to steady his voice as Sterns grabbed him by the arm and pulled him towards a medical bed with restraints attached to it. He tried to pull away from him, but he couldn't, and he was still somewhat dizzy from the sedative. Sterns put him on the bed, before he cut the ropes binding his hands. Lance tried to get away from him, but once again Sterns proved faster and he was instantly strapped down to the bed. [color=yellow]"Just let us go!"[/color] he managed to say, as Sterns started going through a cabinet, looking for something. [color=f7941d]"Fine, whatever, I just wished those three could get here faster! We can't just sit around doing nothing for two hours!"[/color] Tony said, he was still freaking out. He didn't care who helped really at this point, as long as they could find the kids. The thought kept going through his head of what if? What if he had been standing right next to them? What if he had listened to Guin and immediately taken them out of the park before calling Banner? He blamed himself for this, and he didn't know what to do.