[right][sub][color=crimson]LOCATION[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]Arthur's Room[/color] [color=crimson]TIME[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]Evening[/color] [color=crimson]INTERACTING WITH[/color] ⤑ Arthur [Boyfriend] [color=crimson]FEELING[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]Frisky.[/color] [/sub] [/right] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjg4LmZhOTliZi5VMmhoZEhSbGNnLCwuMQ,,/the-black-festival-demo.regular.png[/img] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/54cadcf62b67eed40d4ec0b888131460/tumblr_old76u02sd1vj3zbeo1_500.gif[/img] [img]http://jennifer-helene.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/divider_ribbon1.png[/img] [/center] There was a part of Eva that was glad to be back home, or rather, in Arthur's room. Bringing out her phone, she found herself trying to call Helene, though she didn't get an answer. There was a part of her that thought maybe she should have stayed, but if she had kicked Alyssa out, she likely would have done the same to her. There was just nothing she could do for her friend right now; she would just have to try tomorrow. She sighed, scratching her cheek until she heard Arthur approach her. Feeling his hands on her face was so comforting for some reason, though she blushed as he called her beautiful again. It was like music to her ears, a genuine compliment from someone she loved, though he graced her with a kiss and all those little fantasies she had on the beach came to mind again. More so as she felt her top slide off her, and she found herself pushing Arthur towards his bed, climbing on top of him once his back hit the sheets. "[color=pink]I've been thinking about your body all day,[/color]" She whispered to him, her hands running through his hair as she captured his lips for another kiss. [hr] Watching Alexander drive off, Gigi watched his SUV until it was out of sight. He truly was an alien to her. Absolutely nothing he had said made any sense whatsoever, his actions often puzzling her. He was energetic and passionate and literally everything she wasn't. But that right there had to be the very first moment in the time they had known one another that she didn't roll her eyes at his compliments. She still felt weird, not really knowing what it was about his words that affected her. But it was...nice. Or something. Who knows. Of course, that pleasant feeling went away with the sun as it set, and she brought her attention back to the house. She still had an angry redhead to deal with, unfortunately. Taking her cigarette out of her lips, she dropped it onto the ground, rubbing her foot into it. Taking in a breath to mentally prepare herself, she entered the house. Helene was slouched over the armrest, her arm dangling a bottle that she had basically been drinking out of, though Gigi spotted an empty pitcher and cup next to her. The half-empty bottle rolled out of her hand and landed on the floor. Helene's eyes followed it, reaching out and stopping it from going too far. Picking it up by its neck, she pushed herself off the couch, stumbling her way to the bedroom. Trying to use the wall for support, she only noticed Gigi when the latter yanked the bottle out of her hand. Her green eyes became sharp as she looked at the dark haired girl, who wasn't having any of her shit. "[color=lightsalmon]What are you still doing here?[/color]" She asked, showing an alarming amount of focus despite the amount she had drank in such a short time. "[color=orangered]Making sure you don't do anything stupid,[/color]" Gigi stated, placing the bottle on the kitchen counter. "[color=orangered]Let's get you to bed.[/color]" Helene scoffed, shrugging at Gigi as she approached her. "[color=lightsalmon]Excuse me? Since when are you my keeper?[/color]" She asked, placing her hands on her hips, though she turned away from her. "[color=lightsalmon]Go home, Gigi, I don't want to see your face right now.[/color]" "[color=orangered]I'd rather stay. You're unstable because of Isaac and Terrance--[/color]" But as soon as those names left her lips, Helene turned around, pushing past Gigi and grabbing a bottle from the bar, though instead of drinking it like Gigi had thought, she instead threw it hard enough at the wall that it shattered, spilling liquor and glass all over the floor. Gigi shook her head at the infuriated girl, raising an eyebrow at her. "[color=orangered]Touchy, aren't we? You can't pretend it didn't happen.[/color]" "[color=lightsalmon]I [i]know[/i] it happened,[/color]" Helene replied, taking an empty glass and also throwing it against the wall. "[color=lightsalmon]Why the hell do you think it happened?! They both think I'm their property![/color]" Her voice escalated as she chucked another glass, huffing slightly. "[color=lightsalmon]That's all I am! Just something to be passed around![/color]" Gigi grabbed her wrist before she would break another glass, though she just let it go and it smashed to pieces at their feet. "[color=orangered]You're talking nonsense, you need to calm down,[/color]" She told her,. She managed to wrest her wrist out of Gigi's grasp, furious. "[color=lightsalmon]Just leave me alone![/color]" She yelled at her. "[color=lightsalmon]Get out![/color]" "[color=orangered]Helene, that's--[/color]" She was interrupted as she had to duck a bottle, at which point she had to decide if she was really going to put up with this or possibly get injured in the process. As she stood up, she noticed that Helene wasn't angry, but probably on the verge of a breakdown. But of course, Gigi wasn't the person who could properly handle it. And for the first time, it didn't sit right with her. She nodded at Helene, cautiously taking her bags, and she walked out the front door. As Gigi walked to her bike, she could hear the sound of glass breaking, and she let out a sigh. She'd probably be fine after her temper tantrum. The redhead stumbled over to her room, bottle in hand until she tripped onto her bed. Rather than properly climb onto it, she let herself slide off of it, landing on her knees. Her hands gripped at the sheets, desperately pulling at them to find some sort of comfort. But she felt empty, knowing that neither the alcohol nor the touch of a man would get her what she wanted. She could hear her phone sing to her, someone calling, but she ignored it as she forced herself to stand, only to fall over onto her bed. Taking a long drink from the bottle, she somehow managed to place it on the floor without it tipped over, and she stared at the ceiling. There was something in the back of her mind that said it was stupid to think that Terrance had hit Isaac because he was all over her. But why? He didn't want her anymore. He didn't need her, even though the longing she had in her chest meant she needed him. No, she didn't need him. She didn't need anyone. She felt her thoughts slowly collapse onto themselves, a terrible loneliness taking a fierce hold of her and refusing to let go. [center][img]http://heartfull.life/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2016/04/divider_ribbon2.png[/img][/center]