[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=#cc33ff][center]Guinevere Stark[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/c9f7c4xn5/tumblr_n3hck7_QCAL1tsda0jo1_250.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] This definitely seemed to be something that was premeditated. Guin kept on tugging at her bonds, rotating her wrists in an attempt to either snap them or cause them to fall off. She was about to start to look for a sharp object nearby to cut them with when she felt the bonds give slightly. Another few tries later and it gave a little more. One more try and she found, with astonishment, she was free. Guin hesitated. She could run at Stern, but he was physically bigger than her and had the upper hand. The door Sterns had come from wasn't too far from where she was and he seemed to be pretty focused on Lance. [i]I'll come back for you, Lance,[/i] Guin vowed silently, before she quietly snuck out of the room while Sterns was distracted. It looked like a refurbished warehouse and Guin glanced around for a moment. Now, she could make a mad dash for the exit but she was certain Sterns had some sort of precautions to prevent people from leaving. Instead, she spotted a vent and quietly made a running leap, just narrowly pulling it open. On her next running leap, she hoisted herself up and went inside the vents, closing it behind her. With any luck, as she started crawling through the vents, she'd find something she could use to signal her father one way or another. Meanwhile, Banner seemed to have been robbed of his luck by Guin. No matter where he looked, he couldn't find any contact information for Sterns - not even an address. Of course, that wasn't surprising in itself, as Sterns was legally considered dead. It'd be odd if a deadman was on LinkedIn applying for jobs at different research facilities. The background check any investigator returned would be alarming. [color=8dc73f]"...I got nothing..."[/color] [color=ed145b]"...We could call Guin's mother,"[/color] Pepper suggested quietly.