Collab: RebtheWriter + Myself [AngelofOctober] “What’s that?” Kokomon ask. He knew he should be following the others behind, but something had caught his eye. A strange log out of place with the large trees that the others seemed impressed with. He was still feeling nervous about all the events that had happened. Anxiety clashing and even though the tightening his chest had faded, the pain was still there. Often the only thing that eased this sensation was to draw. This log seemed different, broken cracks reminded him of stain glass. Stain glass made from bark. A dryad must have made these broken, mossy colors, and put them into the image that it presented itself. That or it could have been a natural programming flaw to look more authentic. Though he tried to push that aside. Taking out his sketchbook and beginning to sketch what was in front him. Conjuring up the silhouette of a jovial, kind face of a dryad. He had forgotten Kokomon was even here or that there were others. Drawing a dreamland to escape the uncomfortable dark thoughts that had begun to surface. Until Kokomon sat on top of his sketchbook. “We’re going to lose the others,” Kokomon tells him. He looks towards the pathway the trees were creating. Indeed he was losing them. But he was hoping that if he stayed behind that all of this would fade to black and be a weird dream. Kokomon looked at him and he looked back. “I am really not,” Kei mumbled, “a hero.” Kokomon takes a second. “I think Dorumon has high expectations, but we cannot runaway from the threat,” Kokomon tells him. “I know,” Kei replies, he stares at the grass, “I know, but I’ll just bother everybody. I’m younger than them and this whole entire time, I have behaved like a baby.” Kokomon says nothing just stares at him. Kei looks away. Rachel had already been walking ahead of them. Her eyes, narrowing at what could happen to them. It wasn’t like this was simply easy to figure out. They didn’t really know exactly where they were going. They had just gotten separated from everyone a bit ago. Sunmon bounced behind her, “Hey Rachel, how much longer do you think until we’re over there.” Rachel felt a vein pulsed in her forehead, twitching. Just why was her Digimon asking her? Didn’t he know exactly where they were, “You’re not around too much here, are you?” “Well, not really.” Sunmon muttered to himself, “I don’t really know this area. I was too busy trying to find you.” Rachel sweatdropped, “Well ain’t that lovely.” She remarked sarcastically, “Just our luck.” She stretched her arms out, yawning before realizing Kei and Kokomon were a bit behind her. She turned over to them, “Hey, we really need to keep moving!” She told him, crossing her arms across her chest. They couldn’t dawdle in a situation like this. “Reicheru-san,” Kei calls out, he looks at Kokomon, then back at her, he gets up from the ground. He didn’t want to be made fun of. Just a stupid kid. He walks a bit closer to Reicheru, he supposed he hadn’t met her new friend now. Kei looks up at her, “Sorry. I uh.” He scrunches up his face, “Do you still think this is all still a dream? Or is it really real?” Kei pauses, “Oh hello. Do you know Kokomon?” he ask her new watch friend. She looked over at him, blinking at the nickname. Ah, yeah, Japanese name she had to remember that. She didn’t know too much about Japanese culture, but she knew they had honorifics. She decided that was fine, but the kid was pretty young once she thought about it, very young in fact. It made her note that she’ll have to help him if needed. She wasn’t fond of kids, but she knew it was pretty traumatic even more for him. She sighed, shrugging at him, crossing her arms across her chest, “Unfortunately. It’s probably real.” She stated, “I don’t know about this whole prophecy thing, but it’s pretty bad they just slammed us into this world. Almost sadistic, really.” She paused, stopping herself. Damn, she shouldn’t be saying things around this kid. It was only going to get him even more freaked out, “Sorry, I really shouldn’t be saying that. It’s just that these guys strike me as pretty crazy if they just kidnapped us here.” Dorumon was a odd one and while Rachel still didn’t trust people from this Digital World, it wasn’t like they had much of a choice but to follow in order to survive. She looked down at the other Digimon, “Oh no, I don’t know him. Hello Kokomon.” Meanwhile, Sunmon was hiding behind her leg, “Hey, introduce yourself. It’s alright.” She told him before Sunmon hopped over to Kokomon. “Hi, I’m Sunmon.” He grinned nervously, being a little shy. He wasn’t good at interacting with other people. That was something Kei could have agreed with this. This could have been done in a much different way and thinking about it, he was still anxious, but he was also growing irritated with the situation. If Dorumon wanted their help then he needed to make more of an effort. Balloons don’t sooth over the fact they were taken from their homes. “Hi,” Kei told Sunmon, “I’m Kei and this is Kokomon.” Kokomon smiles, “Hiya Reicheru-san.” imitating the name that Kei had called her. Kokomon looked impressed with himself that he had paid attention. Introductions aside Kei nodded his head. There was no point in being mopey. Reicheru-san was right, they had no other choice. That’s fine, but he was going to give Dorumon a piece of his mind. “We should catch up to the others,” Kei told her, “I have somethings to tell Dorumon if he wants our help.” Rachel smiled at his comment, resting her hands in her long black short sleeve sweater, “Yeah, I got a bone to pick with him myself.” She rested her hand on her hips and sighed, “Let’s keep going. The last thing we need is to get lost more so than what we already are.” She knew that damn dinosaur had something. Purple dinosaurs were always suspicious just look at Barney. Dude in the costume was apparently a drug dealer. Kid got a little bit of bite, she noticed. That was good. Showed her that he wasn’t much of a delicate kid despite being the youngest of the group. Storming passed the hall of trees Kei convulsively rehearsed out loud to open air, “Next time you take people you have to explain clearly what you want from them. You can’t just expect people to help you because you… a sad puppy.” Kei nods his head at his own convictions. While a minute ago he felt emotional vertigo, now there was agitated storm brewing inside of him. He points at the air to no one in particular, “You listen here Dorumon. If you want our help, you have to tell who is involved, why we’re fighting and why we truly have to help you. You….know can’t just give the eyes at us and expect us to feel sorry for you.” Kokomon stares directly at Kei. What is he doing? Has his master already lost his mind? “What are you doing?” Kokomon ask Kei. “Yelling at Dorumon,” Kei replies quickly. “He’s not here,” Kokomon looks around, “they are up ahead.” “In my mind, I am yelling at Dorumon in my mind,” Kei replied. “Why are we mad at Dorumon?” Kokomon asked. “Would you like being taken and locked up, not knowing that someone took you somewhere with potential danger without saying goodbye to your family?” Kei asked Kokomon. “Probably not,” Kokomon replies, “Okay. What’s a droopy dog?” “It’s when someone gives you a pity look and wants your forgiveness,” Kei replies. He’s absorbing everything Kei has said. Now he’s mad at Dorumon and he’s not sure why. But Kei seems mad. So, it’s natural right, that he should be mad too? Wow, this kid was weird. Rachel scratched the back of her head nervously. Not that she wasn’t thinking about how she was going to tell off Dorumon. He definitely had a backbone for sure. Very fiesty kid. Honestly, she was glad that she got lost with him and not any of the others. He seemed like the easiest one to get along with, honestly. “Why do people argue out loud, Rachel?” Sunmon asked curiously, looking a little nervous. For such a small human, he was really feisty. “To let out their emotions.” Rachel assumed, shrugging, twirling a lock of her brown, curly hair, “Kei, are you going to give Dorumon one heck of a chew out that I won’t have to?” She asked, chuckling. She wanted to mess with him to lighten the mood. She couldn’t stand everything feeling so damn dark. “Why would he want to chew out Dorumon?” Sunmon asked. Well, so much for lighting the mood now. She was getting annoyed. “Well, he fucked our lives over pretty much.” She shrugged, “Could get us all killed.” “What do you mean by fucking our lives over?” Sunmon wondered, looking confused, “We can’t die, the prophecy probably doesn’t say anything like that…” “For the love of all that is good, you’re really an airhead, aren’t you.” Rachel twitched, sighing to herself. And this timid, odd little Digimon is her partner? Are these people for real? When Reicheru pointed out he was arguing with nobody Kei flailed his arms around a bit nervously. Feeling the heat of his cheeks he had a bad habit of behaving weird in front of others. He must have looked like a mess crying then yelling at the air. “Aaa, I am sorry Reicheru-san,” Kei said nervously, “I...must look weird. I am sorry.” He looks down at the ground a bit. He really wasn’t made for interacting with other people, is he? Kokomon watches Kei. “Kei? When are we going to get snacks?” Kokomon ask. “Eh, I’m not going to judge you for that.” Rachel shrugged turning back away from him before continuing to walk along, “No need to apologize, Kei. It didn’t bother me at all. It just took me by surprise is all. She sighed, “Besides, we should worry about more important things at the moment.” “Like saving the digital world!” Sunmon piped up. “Nah, to get ourselves back home and back to safety.” She stretched her arms out, “Didn’t think I was going to play the heroine role here, but guess it’s been thrusted upon me.” She sweatdropped, looking down at Sunmon who looked happy that she said such things, “Yeah, I just admitted I have to deal with you. Are you happy now?” “Of course I am!” Sunmon cheered happily, bouncing happily, “Means that you’ll save our worlds.” Get me out of this anime cliche. Rachel thought to herself, groaning mentally to herself. She seemed nice like Kyasari-san earlier. No one has really made fun of him yet, at least he didn’t get the feeling. Despite him being a baby upon their first meeting. “Thank you,” Kei mumbles, “For not making fun of me that is. I get made fun of a lot, so it’s good not to be. I know I do odd stuff, but I promise I’ll…” He really had no choice. Couldn’t really make a promise based on a task forced upon him. Yet, here he was. “To help save the world too, but I am mad because we needed to know that beforehand, I’ll do it, but because…..I want to,” Kei mumbles that didn’t come out as he wanted it to come out. “Oo, I like the sound of that, but on the way, snacks,” Kokomon throws his hint out once again. “People tend to let out the negativity out of their lives and onto other people.” She crossed her arms across her chest, “Granted, that doesn’t give them the right to do such things, but you won’t have to worry about anyone messing with you.” Because she’d kick the crap out of them if they did, “Don’t worry, I don’t intend on watching a friend of mine get hurt. It’s not like me to sit back when someone’s getting pushed around.” But it has gotten her into bad situations, but that was okay. She was still going to do it, regardless. “Ah, I got a sister I really love back in our world.” Rachel nodded, “I wanna get out of here to be there for her. I can’t be dying if she’s around. She needs me, after all.” She turned over to Kokomon, “We really shouldn’t be worrying about snacks when our lives are on the line and we don’t know where we’re going.” She sighed. Man, they are really doomed, aren’t they? “Can’t save the world on an empty stomach,” Kokomon retorts, “Food is important to keep up one’s strength.” Kei looks at Kokomon. “Where did you get that from?” Kei asked Kokomon. “Hopmon,” Kokomon says happily. It sounded wise to him. Coming through the clearing now the group becoming visible, though they were scattering away as a loud explosion could be heard. As the two of them reached the clearing, they caught the end of an orange Dinosaur attacking a Dorumon, grabbing him by his tail. Something like a beam came from Dorumon’s mouth and the orange dinosaur was blown away through the clearing of the forest. Rachel put her arm in front of Kei as she saw the orange dinosaur being blown away through the clearing of the forest. Her eyes widened at the sight, startled, “Okay, what the hell just happened?” She covered her face before looking over at Dorumon. Was that orange dinosaur being blown away done? Or did they have to worry about that thing trying to kill them? “Ah, that was an Agumon.” Sumon squeaked, “And if Dorumon is actually fighting him, he must be an enemy.” “Well no, I thought he was on a nice little stroll.” Rachel remarked sarcastically, “We shouldn’t just rush in though. What if he isn’t done yet?” She pointed out. She didn’t want all of them dying already. Witnessing Agumon’s attack was the first realization that this wasn’t a dream. It was like slowly connecting the dots together. Kei looks at Reicheru, “What about the others?” Rachel looked around, trying to see if she saw the others, taking a few steps forward before looking around, seeing nothing really. She looks like she’ll have to go and see for herself. That would be pretty dangerous though. She gulped, “Well, I can’t see them, but I’ll take a look at them.” She looked at Sunmon, “Let’s go!” “Ah, but you said it would be reckless to rush in…” Sunmon began before she was cut off by Rachel. “Don’t think we have much of a choice at this point, honestly.” Rachel sighed, “Dorumon might chew my head off, but I’m not intending on just rushing while he’s helping. I’m gonna try to navigate around. Let’s hope there isn’t any other ones running around here intending on hurting us.” Sumon popped on her shoulder. “I’m going to help,” Kei utters quickly following after Reicheru. Even if they couldn’t see the others they had to be here, somewhere, right? “I’ll help too,” Kokomon says with a bit more enthusiasm than the situation should call for. Looking around as the dust settled, it seemed like the others were not here. Only a handful maybe, in the bushes. Was it safe now? What if there was a second attack? Further exploring the surroundings Kei paused as he saw a shoe. Tristan was lying face down in the dirt, with the back of his head bleeding slightly. Kei could feel a squirming in his stomach. “Reicheru-san,” he calls out, as Dorumon seems to be confused looking around for which direction the kids had went. Rachel was running back over to him, taking the scenic route that she had planned beforehand before hearing Kei’s voice in the distance. She quickly ran forward before she panted. Her eyes widened at the sight of Tristan. She looked over at him before she covered her mouth with her hand, trying to keep herself from freaking out, “Oh God…” She breathed. Did that dinosaur do that? The one that Dorumon fought earlier? It had to have been him. Sunmon felt tears going down his face, “Oh no, one of the children has died. This isn’t...this isn’t supposed to go like this…” This was horrible. What could they do? How were they going to tell the others? He couldn’t stop his body from shaking he couldn’t tell if he were really sad or if there was another emotion bubbling from within. Torisutan didn’t get to say goodbye to his family, his family didn’t say goodbye to him. They didn’t know, they didn’t know that today could have been the last day. Dorumon just took them and now and now and now. Kei turns his head to glare at Dorumon though tears are blurring his vision. Dorumon’s head is low in that sad droopy looking face he gave earlier explaining nothing. Dorumon looks sadly at the Digidestined. He didn’t want this to happen. He told them to run. What was he supposed to do now? What about the other Digidestined, he told them to run, he didn’t know they would run in different directions. Things weren’t going the way they were supposed too. Wiping a tear for the Digidestined Dorumon went to reach for the human’s arm. Whap! Dorumon was hit much harder on the head by the same book earlier. The tiniest Digidestin was glaring at him fiercely with angry tears in his eyes. “This is your fault!” Kei shouted, “You took us here. You don’t get to make that expression or that face when you’re the one who took us here! You never explained this world to us. You never asked us! And now look!” Dorumon was taken aback that this human boy was fiercely shouting at him. Shame and regret panged his chest. Rubbing his head where it stung, also where he had been burned from Pepper Breaths earlier. Dorumon says in a solemn voice, “I know it is, but I can make it right.” “How?” Kei asked, “Tell me how. Because right now everyone is out there in the forest. Lost. They could get hurt. And Torisutan parents, his family, what about them? Can you give them that back?” Dorumon looks to the ground. The longer they were here, the other Digidestin may have gone too far. The boy was crying and yelling and Dorumon couldn’t tell if he were angry or sad. Rachel watched Kei smack Dorumon in the face in the sketchbook, watching the kid get angry at Dorumon. She clenched her fists, shaking, gritting her teeth. She couldn’t utter any crying, but she was angry. She didn’t like feeling this fucking useless. She hated being useless more than anything in this world. She was angry that this kid had to die. She was angry at the enemy for hurting him. She was angry at herself for not being strong enough. She needed to do something to make sure nothing happens to the others. She could do something about it. She needed to take this as something that she needed, no that was absolutely unable to happen again. She wanted to tear their damn boss apart for doing what he did. He was partially responsible. If he wanted a battle, she’ll fucking give him one. Dorumon, as much as she wanted to yell at him too, she finds herself unable to. She knows he’s suffering as well. This was hard on him as any of them, and that, was punishment in of itself. Something suddenly went off on her digivice, her eyes widened before she noticed that Sunmon was being encoded with light. Was this….? When the light faded, it showed a Coronamon. That’s what it said in her Digivice anyways. Did he just Digivolve? “Whoa, I digivolved.” Coronamon grinned, “Which is awesome. See, Rachel, we can really get stronger. My digievolution happened. Just like your heart wanted.” Rachel’s eyes widened, not believing this, but it happened, and she nodded, “We’ll do more than that, I promise.” “I like that fighting spirit in you.” Coronamon grinned, punching his fist into the air. She looked over at Kei, “Let’s go after the others. Let’s find them and make sure they’re safe.” She rested a hand on his shoulder, “It’s what Tristan would’ve wanted.” Kei looks at Dorumon than Reicheru. Sunmon’s evolved before their eyes. So it is true? All of this is true. Real as well. Dorumon tucks his tail behind his legs, his ears droop, “I’m sorry I failed you as a Guardian of the Digidestined. I have to get Tristan’s Digivice so that way I find the next candidate for the crest.” Kei looked at Reicheru. Then back at Dorumon. “How does that work?” Kei asked. “Well the Digivice will create a portal to this world, but not yours. It gets the Digidestined here, but it can’t take them back,” Dorumon tells Kei as he removes the Digivice from Tristan’s wrist. Dorumon looks sadly at the body. “So, we’re going to get another, Digidestined?” Kei ask. He didn’t like the idea that Toristan could so easily be replace. This world is callous. “Yes,” Dorumon responded, “I will speak with them and convince them to come.” Kei didn’t like those prospects. Dorumon speak to the person he was going to bring into here. Dorumon, the one who tried to smooth this over with balloons and thought he was doing a good job communicating with them. “Anyone can speak to them?” Kei asked. “Yes, in a way,” Dorumon replies. “I’ll do it, I’ll speak with them and I’ll tell everything they need to know,” Kei told Dorumon. Meanwhile Kokomon looks sadly at the Digidestined who didn’t make it. Poor thing, he felt bad, he wasn’t sure what to do. Noticing Coronamon Kokomon with respect simply says, “Congratulations.” “Thank you, but I couldn’t do it without Rachel’s strong determination. Hey, I feel a lot less scared now and it’s all thanks to you.” He scratched the back of his head, “Just don’t do anything rash, Rachel.” She sighed, knowing fully well that someone like Kei probably didn’t like how replaciable Tristan was, and she couldn’t blame him. However, she did see Dorumon’s point as well. It was what they needed. As grim as that really was, she understood it. They needed someone to fill the slot and that, unfortunately, meant that someone else was going to get involved in this. “Kei, let’s make sure we find the others.” Rachel turned to him, “And let’s make sure someone doesn’t share the same fate as our friend just did.” It was hard to call him friend, really. She didn’t even know him. “That’s why we have to,” Kei pause, “Bring the other person in. The right way. To find the others. And keep everyone from…” he didn’t want to say it so he simply trailed off. It’s when he noticed Seven standing up from his hiding position. Oh. Oh that’s embarrassing. He probably saw what happened with his artbook again. Kei turned his attention away from Seven. Looking at Reicheru, “We...have to be.” he shook his head she’s the who’s Digimon evolved, “After this. You us.”