Meldyr could not get to sleep for quite awhile. Needless to say he had much on his mind, and he had expected to be sleeping on the road in a small cot he had brought, not a bed fit for a prince in the chambers of the palace. He wasn't ungrateful, but entirely unprepared and far more used to hardship than luxury. However, once he did manage to fall asleep, he slept hard. It had been a long days ride, and after that, of course, he found out he would be king. Of course, his sound sleep was interrupted after a blazing light suddenly filled his vision. After that, a woman's voice filled his brain and be blinked groggily, sitting up. He had reached for a knife that wasn't there, but that was before he realized where he was and who was waking him. Once he sat up, his thick hair was everywhere and his normally handsome face had a pillow line on his cheek. "Oh...good." He said about the cooks and bath. He wished he could give something more congenial when she said she had a nice time, but he had just woken up. "I'm looking forward to it to. I just need to tear myself out of this coma...will I be woken up like this everyday?" he joked, then realized he was now making quips at the Queen. Thankfully, she didn't seem to mind. Once she was gone, he slipped out of bed and collected himself, awaiting the bath and the food. He felt his stomach rumbling, and despite how he was suddenly woken up, he had the energy to take the day on once he had his bath, putting on new, princely clothes that looked quite stunning if he said so himself. He had a resplendent cloak on the back of his practical yet princely vest.