3092 Anno Domini, or 1181 Anno Revitae. Thirty-three years have already passed since the last Great War that ravaged the three planets. [h1]===============[/h1] [h2]Within the darkness...[/h2] A great winged serpent with the feathers of a raven flew into a cave. As she descended, the snake transforms into a slender, beauteous lady who retained her raven-like wings and snake-like scales. A few young-looking men soon gathered themselves before the lady whom they adore so much. The men knelt before the lady. "Mistress Rhelsha!" "Ohh, my good boys..." the serpentine lady, Rhelsha, greeted them with a smirk. "And now, let's proceed..." "It has been a long time of peace, no blood, no war and no pain..." Rhelsha said in a dark yet feminine tone. "But this moment of peace is nothing but an illusion, an illusion which is falling apart and dying. Tensions are on the rise. And we have to break this peace anyways for our dreams -- sooner or later. There is much left for us to do. We have to pay and sacrifice for the greatest good of all." "It has already been thirty years, mistress." a green ghost spoke in a rather dead tone, "Yet the invasion have not been launched." "I know, it's been bugging me, Deowrig. The old system is heading to its demise, and I want to rebuild the world my way. But we have to wait. A small leak will sink a great ship." "Oh, right." "Anzai-chan." Rhelsha then turned to face a muscular man sporting his prideful katana. "Hai, mistress!" Anzai saluted devotedly, kneeling before Rhelsha. "How's the preparations going? And how's your work in Taiwan?" "All is well and ready, mistress! Tell me, and I will be ready to spread your divine love far and wide!" "Is it finally time, mistress? The faster our new world comes, the better, don't you think?" a youthful looking boy asked. "Ahh, my little Tsih-Wah." She shot an affectionate gaze at the boy and grinned. He has been one of the earliest followers, and perhaps the most devoted servant of hers since a long time ago. "Y-yes... mistress?" a blushing Tsih-wah leaned closer to her. "You have been a very good servant for more than a thousand years ago. I know, you are very eager. But we just have to wait a little longer, my little cutie. Just a little longer... You have already went through a thousand years living under the Dragonbitch's reign, you only have to wait a little longer and we shall be free. Patience, my boy..." "Y-yes... mistress..." "Great, we should watch the situation first. Until the time comes, we will lay rest and lurk in the shadows." [h1]===============[/h1] [h3]Taiwan[/h3] A majestic lady was walking with a smaller man in the park. The majestic lady was none other than Yong Theresia -- the Empress of Taiwan, and the smaller man is Loh Franz, her emperor consort. They slowly trekked along the path, taking a rest while looking at the lush greeneries and colorful flowers. But even with the immense beauty of the park, Yong Theresia wasn't feeling too well. The Empress wasn't too happy since the last war ended in disaster. "Well, well... it has been many years since these bandits kicked us out and snatched the mainland..." she sighed, "My beloved subjects are suffering under their tyranny, and most of my beautiful lands are snatched away from [b][u]my rightful hands[/u][/b]..." "Don't worry so much, milady." Franz spoke in a soft, comforting tone, "One day, we shall reclaim what is rightfully ours." "I don't really know, Franz." she sighed while tilting upwards staring at the skies, "We are getting weaker and weaker as time flew by. Those Revital bandits are only going to get stronger. Most of our friends have fallen, Egilian and Griffegus are already no more. Pherith is busy with its own shit. And the evil Entente is not to be trusted, they were the ones that fucked up everything in the first place. We are truly alone and desolate in this world now." "You know what bothers me a lot, my little Franz? The Nanyangese and their Lenggong Dynasty. Berthold has been bossing us around since the Reich began. Well, even with most of their lands gone, now they are still bossing us Taiwanese around, acting like they are the only heroes or something." "Not only that, Franz. Since ancient times, we Taiwanese have been the rightful rulers and heirs of the Holy Huaxian Reich." Theresia spoke proudly with glory shining in her eyes. But she then quickly swifted to a resentful tone. "But then, one day, this evil dude suddenly showd up and messed everything up! Shattering our Holy Huaxian Reich, only to claim all the glory for himself when the Nanyangese later unite we Whampoans under their goddamned banner. Look, the flag of Whampoa now is just a lame recolor of their Nanyangese flag. They merely and lazily changed their orange into red. What a fucking sloth and snob indeed." "But then... their flag looks quite nice to be honest... And I don't really feel like challenging that Lenggong dude... even if we Taiwanese are suffering under the Nanyangese. He did help us a great deal, too. And he redeemed his wrong by uniting all of Whampoa into one again. I am a lady with morals and standards, as any good Taiwanese ladies are. But it is really hard for me, the rightful ruler of a great empire, to be bossed around by this evil dude..." Franz patted her shoulders and consoled, "Oww... don't be so angry and sad, milady. At least we are still alive and well here! Your faithful mate is right here, going with you for a walk. Taiwan and Lemuria are still safe and happy in our hands. And we still hold more lands than those Nanyangese monkeys!" Yong Theresia cracked a bright smile and patted his head as Franz spoke. "Oh yeah indeed. You have been always a good boy. Hah, I still hold more lands than that Lenggong dude! He can't boss me around that much anymore..." "And one day, even if I might not live to see it, we Taiwanese shall reclaim the mainland and our rightful place as the head of Whampoa!" [h1]===============[/h1] [h3]Revital Whampoa[/h3] *Revital Whampoa, with its magnificent citadels and walls. The Revitals have been rising in power since the Putsch that overthrew the short-lived republic.* *Behind the marching troops and war machines, Tschow Konrad -- the mighty Kaiser of the new Reich -- was having a secret talk with some of his closest associates* Tschow Konrad : "Alright. Whampoa cannot stand still as a target practice waiting to be shot. We have to do something." Tschow Konrad : "I already have my eyes on the rich lands of Goetsu... The next step of our glorious revival, shall be the return of Goetland to our glorious Whampoan fatherland!" *Konrad glanced at the green ghost, Deowrig* Tschow Konrad : "Homie Deowrig. I want you to seek the Goetian elites and try to fuck up their minds. At the very least, we need to secure the southern borderlands of Goetsu, where many of our compatriots live. Do you have any question?" Deowrig : "No, homie Kaiser. I am glad to carry out this task of yours..." (To Be Continued)