[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/uU4d6pH.png?1[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/b1cRv0u.png[/img] [img]http://i65.tinypic.com/9uc468.png[/img][/center] Odette felt this dual was going okay. She didn't expect it to be easy to defeat Master Luke. After all, the man had many years of training within the Force. She was confident that she and Ben could do it though, so long as they kept this up and worked together. She continued to strike and block Master Luke's own swipes of his saber. Despite the intensity of it, Odette was enjoying working with Ben to show their Master just how far they had come in the ways of the Force. Suddenly though, there was a shaking of the ground, causing her yelp to have to catch her balance, wide eyes looking to Ben, his hand on the ground, having used the Force to create fissures in the ground. Panic began to seep into Odette at the sight of this, [color=00aeef]"Ben?!"[/color] What was he doing?! This was just a mock battle, with no need to implement such life threatening tactics. Over the months they had been on missions together, she had, unknown to him, felt the darkness. But had been working with him, hoping to push it away. Yet, she could feel it now. It was suffocating. A darkness seeping from Ben in the world around them. Soon, the padawans began to gasp and choke under the Force that Ben was releasing. Then, he was stalking forward, toward Master Luke with his saber down, and that panic inside of Odette ignited all the more at the sight. No...he wouldn't try to...But he was. He yelled something about Master being a traitor, and looked ready to go straight in for the kill. In her panic, Odette scrambled to her feet, rushing forward. Ben had very well almost made it to Luke, more feet from him when she rushed him, latching onto the arm from behind, hoping to restrain the arm that held his saber. All the while, she called on the Force, letting its light pulsate from her and to him, her panic and fear clear in her voice, [color=00aeef]"Ben! [b]Stop![/b]"[/color]