[quote=@Master Bruce] I hate to ask this, but after careful review of this application by me and my fellow GMs, we're going to have to request either an updated premise to justify The Insect Queen aspect of this submission or an entirely different concept for Janet. Problem being, after recent discussions in this very thread about what constitutes the acceptable level of change and non-change to concepts in the game, the addition of The Insect Queen mantle to this version of Janet seems superfluous. And while that wouldn't normally be a big deal, given there's not a huge demand for Janet or The Insect Queen by other players in the game, we're trying not to set a precedent for future concepts to be simple amalgamations. With Sep's Flash, for instance, he made the character under the mask an entirely different person that would normally not be considered the main Flash. With Andy's Superman and my Batman, we made changes to Clark and Bruce's overall personalities as young and brash heroes to compensate for not changing up the premise around them. Inkarnate and HenryJonesJr took pre-existing 'alternate' versions of heroes and canonized them as the main versions. Lord Wraith killed Thor off and had him reincarnated. These are all extreme changes that made for an overall different flavor with these characters, which is what the game is going for. By contrast, giving Janet the Bio-Genetic ring really doesn't make the same statement. So we're not entirely sure if this qualifies. We discussed it for awhile and came to the conclusion that if we're going to accept this as-is, we'd have no baseline for what an ultimization is. [/quote] Honestly, I'm not sure what you guys want from me. First my Spider-Man was too vanilla and now this. [quote][a] character (Janet van Dyne) under the mask [who is] an entirely different person that would normally not be considered the main Insect Queen[/quote] [quote]Changes to Janets's premise (use supernatural item instead of technological/scientific) to compensate for not changing up her overall personality (the inverse of what you said, but should still hold true)[/quote] [quote]took pre-existing 'alternate' versions of hero - I even had an image of an alternate Wasp that's a insect-human hybrid[/quote] If this premise still doesn't work, even though it 'passes' the criteria you gave as examples, then I'm not sure what I can else I can say. The only other obvious candidates for this mantle are Mary Jane Watson and Lana Lang, but both have issues. MJ is a Spidey character and Henry seems to already have plans for her. Andy's Superman app (at least the last time I checked) did not have Lana Lang in it, but even if he does relinquish her, we would have to divvy up supporting characters or I would have to look for obscure minor characters that no one would care about.