[center][h2][color=F0E68C]Asteria[/color][/h2][/center][hr][hr] [color=F0E68C]“Thank you,”[/color] she suffused her tone with warmth that she couldn’t express by forming a smile while possessing a rat’s muzzle. And she [i]was[/i] pleased that Ed was content to let the past be exactly that, as well as being reasonable enough to not blame a witness. Admittedly, she could have done more to try stop Mei, but how was she supposed to know what would happened? And once she saw what exactly was going on, it was too late to do much. But, well, no need to think of that or elaborate on it if the slimes they were facing had no wish to know. And as she had hoped, the Monster Analysis skill was indeed able to differentiate between native monsters and human-souled-monsters. As such, she had noticed the big blue slime was a monster while the other two were (former) humans. After that short observation, she looked towards the [i]overbearingly[/i] friendly green slime. [color=F0E68C]“…An acquaintance, to be honest,”[/color] she told him, somewhat reserved in answer to his loudness that she was both distasteful and just a bit wary of. Either [i]Jason[/i] had completely missed that the two Dire rats had had a quarrel between them and had just managed to (somewhat) resolve it or he was simply playing the friendly card, rather poorly she might add. Though if he was honest about the alliance, Asteria would rather join than not. [color=F0E68C]“I’m Asteria,”[/color] she introduced herself, nodding to them both, remembering Asura’s name although he seemed to be the quiet sort and as such she might not even get to talk to him much, or at all. [color=F0E68C]“And this here is Mother Rat,”[/color] she nodded to the larger Dire rat. [color=F0E68C]“She’s native to this world so she can’t exactly understand human speech, but I hope we can get along nonetheless. She’s useful in a fight. Oh, and I [i]would[/i] like to know what exactly you had in mind for an alliance, sure,”[/color] she directed this towards Jason, who seemed the most leader-like of them. She did hope he wasn’t always quite so…[i]intense[/i]. Though she was a social creature, some individuals not only crossed the fine line from affable to grating, they happily traipsed on the other side seemingly purely so that they could annoy the rest of the population. But as long as they weren’t some sort of an unpredictable danger, she supposed she could accept an ally even if they did turn out to be annoying. [@Searat][@Kazemitsu][@Guy0fV4lor]