[right][sub][color=crimson]LOCATION[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]School Parking Lot[/color] [color=crimson]TIME[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]Morning[/color] [color=crimson]INTERACTING WITH[/color] ⤑ Arthur [Boyfriend] [color=crimson]FEELING[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]Concerned and wondering if everyone is okay.[/color] [/sub] [/right] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmY1N2ZiNS5RMjl1WTJWeWJnLCwuMQAA/monogram-framer.demo.png[/img] [img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/AdeptDigitalIberianbarbel-size_restricted.gif[/img] [img]http://jennifer-helene.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/divider_ribbon1.png[/img] [/center] The urge to go back to sleep was too much for Eva, though somehow she managed to get up once Arthur woke her. As she got dressed, she noticed how quiet Arthur was. Well, quiet was the wrong word because he was always quiet, but something was different. She wanted to chalk it up to her own tiredness, but seeing him so distant preoccupied her. After she took her pills, she noticed she was running low, though when she went to make a note on her phone, a text from Alyssa popped up. [I][color=orange]Helene's not coming to school today. I think yesterday got to her.[/color][/I] Reading it made Eva feel bad as well. Arthur hadn't wanted her to see the fighting, but with how messed up Terrance was on their way home, it was hard not to imagine how it went down. As they rode to school in silence, Eva kept looking over at Arthur, wondering what was going through his mind. Maybe he was concerned with the fight, too. As they pulled into the lot, Eva felt compelled to ask, so she looked at Arthur once again as he sighed, putting her hand on his free one. "[color=pink]Everything okay?[/color]" She asked, already knowing something was wrong. "[color=pink]Are you worried about Terrance?[/color]" [hr] Pulling up to Helene's house, Evan closed the door to his car, eyeing the cracked window warily. Another car pulled up behind him, and a few men and women stepped out. Once he unlocked the house, his eyes scanned the place. Having gotten Gigi's message last night as well as having to find out the hard way of yesterday's events, he decided it was best if he took a cleaning crew. He was used to Helene's temper tantrums, as even when she was young she had a tendency to physically destroy whatever she could get her hands on, so he wasn't surprised to find the floor covered in glass. His professionals assessed the damage and went to work, sweeping up the shards and cleaning the wall. Evan himself went straight to his sister's room, although he hesitated slightly as he spotted her limp form sprawled on her bed. Spotting her phone in her hand and a bottle in the other, Evan shook his head disapprovingly as he took both, setting the bottle on the table as he went through her phone. It looked like she had somehow taken a picture of Terrance in his swimsuit, as the boy was smiling at someone else. He noticed a message from Giselle, his eyes widening as he read that Mr. Patrone wanted to meet with her. Rolling his eyes, he shook her shoulder, watching her open her eyes slowly. "[color=lightsalmon]Is it morning yet...?[/color]" She grumbled, closing her eyes. "[color=darkorange]Get up Étoile,[/color]" Evan's voice was sharp, unable to hide his disappointment as he shook her again. "[color=darkorange]I need to hear your version of what happened.[/color]" Somehow managing to sit up, Helene swayed slightly, although she managed to look at her older brother with mild confusion. "[color=lightsalmon]How did you know?[/color]" She asked. "[color=darkorange]Because getting information is my specialty. Giselle just messaged you saying that Mr. Patrone wanted to speak with you regarding the events that transpired yesterday.[/color]" He watched her groan and put her head in her hands. "[color=darkorange]What happened?[/color]" "[color=lightsalmon]I don't know what happened. I was talking to Isaac and Terrance came out of nowhere and hit him,[/color]" She muttered, her elbows on her knees as she stared down. Inhaling sharply, Evan exhaled before he would talk again. "[color=darkorange]You are on very thin ice with me, regardless of what happens at the Patrone household,[/color]" He warned her, crossing his arms. Helene's head shot up immediately. "[color=lightsalmon]You're acting like it was my fault![/color]" She retorted, shaking her head. "[color=lightsalmon]I didn't...I couldn't stop them...I wanted them to stop...[/color]" "[color=darkorange]I'm not stupid, Étoile, I know you have your ways around men,[/color]" He kneeled down in front of her. "[color=darkorange]You have to [I]think[/I] and watch every step you take. Your irresponsibleness may have cost us our newfound partnership--the very same one you just established. You're lucky I haven't told Ariadne yet, or she would be the one here right now.[/color]" "[color=lightsalmon]I swear, I didn't do anything,[/color]" She tried to reason with him. "[color=lightsalmon]I didn't play around with Isaac, Terrance and I are nothing, I promise.[/color]" Evan's look hardened somewhat at the mention of their names. "[color=darkorange]I want to believe you, but you can't be so blind not to know they both have their intentions,[/color]" He corrected her as he would stand. As he turned away, he could hear her sniffle, and he felt his heart break. Damn, he was so weak when it came to her. "[color=darkorange]Sleep off your hangover, you don't need to go to class. But I will have Giselle come get you to meet with the Patrones--and I pray he doesn't hold this incident against us.[/color]" Closing the door behind him, he could hear Helene burst into tears, and he had to remind himself he had other things to attend to so he wouldn't go running back in there. It may have come off as cold, but it was about time she took responsibility for her actions. As the crew was finishing up, he deemed his presence unneeded, and after giving out orders to finish and leave, Evan went to his car. A tiny boop informed him of a new message, though he didn't have to look at it to know it was Ariadne. Little did anyone know that they were closing in on Bastien, and they were hoping to catch him within the next forty-eight hours. But as anyone knew, a cornered animal was often the most dangerous. [hr] As Evan's text came on her phone, Gigi read it with a heavy heart, or at least as heavy as hers could get. For some reason, she felt like a tattletale, but she thought it wouldn't be prudent for him to be in the dark in case he was also contacted by Mr. Patrone, and she knew Evan did not like surprises. [I][color=darkorange]She'll be staying home to get herself together. Get her after your classes and inform me of how the meeting goes.[/color][/I] It was obvious Evan wasn't happy, either, and she could only imagine how Mr. Patrone felt having one of his sons come home bloody and bruised. Speaking of which, she wondered how Terrance's face was. He may have gotten the first strike, but Isaac was the stronger of the two, and the end of the fight proved as much when Arthur had to pull Isaac off. There was a part of her that felt she should have intervened, but Helene's safety was her priority. As she put her phone in her pocket, she went to turn on her motorcycle, only to find it nonresponsive. Gigi looked at it in mild confusion, trying to turn it on again, but to no avail. That was odd, it was fine when she got home last night. As she looked down at the gauges, she let out a huff of annoyance as she realized she was out of gas. Getting distracted last night was a nuisance. Going back up to her apartment, she found her spare gas, but when she lifted it, she realized it was empty. Of course. She took out her phone to message Helene, only to remember she wasn't going to school today. Hmm, there was little point in asking Eva considering she was with Arthur, and she wasn't comfortable asking him for a ride. Trying Alyssa, she got a response saying she had to go to school early for a track meeting. Well, shit. Looking through her contacts, she spotted Alexander's name, that odd feeling in her chest again. Without thinking, she sent him a text: [I][color=orangered]If you haven't left already, can I get a ride with you to school?[/color][/I] Once it was sent, she parked her motorcycle into the building's garage and waited. She supposed she could walk if it really came down to it. [center][img]http://heartfull.life/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2016/04/divider_ribbon2.png[/img][/center]