[hider= Akira Hikari] Name: Akira Hikari A.K.A. Aki Age: 19 Personality: Akira is a fun loving gunpla enthusiast who fell in love with GBN on his first dive. Usually sarcastic and joking he can get serious while battling but really just loves the battles themselves. Appearance:[hider] [img] https://i.pinimg.com/originals/32/6a/1d/326a1db400ce78cc87d4c3e473e8122d.jpg [/img] [/hider] [hider= Gundam Strike Freedom Salvation] Name: Gundam Strike Freedom Salvation Appearance: [hider= Images] [img] https://techunified.files.wordpress.com/2008/06/6a00e398f4ad59000500fad68e20150004.jpg [/img] [img] https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ8UFvIDoSa2msuT1mhxkTEGxqKCdvw1QRzj0ynrcr07TIPh1O9Yw [/img] [/hider] Base Model: Strike Freedom Equipment: 2x Beam Sabers, 2x BEam Rifles with ability to combine into a single rifle, 2x waist mounted rail guns, 12x Dragoons stored in wings, 2x Head mounted machine guns, beam shield. [/hider] [hider= Gundam Exia Valkyrie] Name: Gundam Exia Valkyrie Appearance: [hider= Images] [url] http://gundamguy.blogspot.com/2015/09/1144-gunpla-kitbash-custom-build.html?m=1 [/url] [/hider] Base Model: Gundam Exia Equipment: Sword (capable of channeling particles to create an aura around the blade increasing its cutting potential and damage output) Sword can also be turned into a beam rifle which can be powered up by the Satelite ring to create a massive burst of energy. Also the Satelite ring can rotate around the gunpla as a defensive measure. Also equipped with the GN Trans-Am system. [/hider] Backstory: WIP Arc Name: WIP [/hider]