[hider=Rules] Rules [1] This place is not my priority, it never will be. I have two young children and a puppy who take first place in my need for attention. Please understand that I cannot always be active, but I’ll do my best to reply once a day at least. [2] I play both male and female characters, but I have some rules on the female characters I play against. If you mention the words stubborn feisty trouble maker or judgemental I will drop the story immediately! If you want my character to be attracted to your character then make them appealing, make them interesting, not some attitude riddled petulant brat who has men falling at her feet. Seriously! [3] If we’re to write a story then we both have a right to insert ideas into the story and know where it is heading. I don’t like being restricted in my creativity, and I don’t want to go into a story having my ideas ignored. I am after a writing partner to collaborate on a story with. [4] I enjoy writing and will set this at a casual minimum. Three paragraphs per characters POV is an ideal post for me, though often I will do more. However I completely understand that certain settings and dialogue/interactive posts will be shorter. I am more for quality over quantity, but short posts don’t inspire me. Adding onto that please don’t fill your posts with pointless dialogue and internal talking. [5] I will not play off sight, because I don’t want to give anyone my email address and I don’t use discord or anything like that because I forget. PMs is my preferred and then threads. [6] If we’re to do fandom stories then please play the canon as they are, not your own interpretation. For example, if you play Thor play him as he is and not a soft and effeminate sort. [7] Be over 21 please. [/hider] So this idea is completely AU and a little dark but I think it will be fun. It does include forced marriage, prejudice, mature based themes and a truck load of drama. Harry Potter was defeated, Voldemort won. The magical community of Britain was cleansed of all muggle born Witches and Wizards, and all those of half-blood were forced to sign a register and into submission, those who resisted were killed. However the battle of Hogwarts was not where the war ended, Voldemort and his death eaters spread their battle over the entire British realm until they had complete power. But the war robbed Britain of many, the magical community robbed of almost 80% of its population. With desires to keep his supremacy strong and rebuild a magical community of his own crafting, Voldemort issued a decree of marriage; the population had to be rebuilt. And to ensure that only births of magic were made half-bloods were to marry pure bloods only. And this is where our story begins. I would like a mixture of canon and OC personally, and I am happy to play any male canon in exchange for you playing a canon of my choosing. All other details can be discussed via PM.