[i]Tenente Generale d'artillerie Mazzano Semetti, Your concerns are not taken lightly. With this letter rides Colonnello Fabiano Barbigia, a man you know, and a man that we hope you can trust to lead you, as a fellow Artillery Officer. He will take command of the 2nd Artillery Division, effective immediately on his arrival into Pessassa, or the delivery of this letter, whichever occurs first. We have dispatched him with one of our best maps of the area, and he will do his best to lead you to Pessassa on the best route, if you have not already arrived before this letter does, and allow you to prepare for the arrival of further artillery shells that we are dispatching at once along the road to Pessassa. Unfortunately, we cannot obey your request to remove Generale d'armata Gumesindo Berretta from his position, and we hope that you will understand that High Command still maintains that he is the best man to lead the operation, and that you will not abandon your post. May the Angel Protect, High Command Dated April 7th, 1905[/i]