[center][img]https://s33.postimg.cc/amkvj2gkf/image.png[/img][/center] If the night is a child, bursting with energy, the morning that follows exists to remind all of the daily grind, be it at school or at work. As school-aged children, the dark magical girls of Miso City were naturally required to take part in the daily educational activities held at Miso City High, whether they liked it or not was an afterthought next to the fact that they were required to take part into the oddly named Detention Club if they wish to remain on the Nightmare hunting business. Thankfully, or not, the happenings of their schoolday were of little interest to the Club's president, as long as everyone showed their faces at the club room on time and without raising a ruckus, everything was alright. In fact, one of the students that didn't even seem to have a place in an irregular group that called themselves the Detention Club was, as usual, the first one to arrive in their room. [url=https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/3021235]Chie Momogami[/url], better known as Black Shot, between her dark magical girl peers, was a pretty normal student during the day—despite her unfettered behavior during nighttime. Before anyone else arrived, even the so mysterious club president, Chie prepared enough fresh tea as well as well as snacks to sate the cravings of her fellow corrupted peers. Once she was done with her chores, Chie pulled a chair and began to work on today's homework. After all, if she didn't do it while there was time, there's no telling about whether or not she would have time for it later in the before the next morning. [hr]