Leaving the constellation behind, the party decided to head downstairs. The area was comparable to the one upstairs - a few smaller rooms with a large central library. In the center was the gem that one could see from above. One of the four smaller rooms held mannequins of various sizes posed in strange ways - a couple were lifelike and realistic, while others were more cartoonish or even fantastical. Bins in the side held what appeared to be components to construct one's own mannequin, and various art supplies were containing within. The second was a another reading hole similar to the one upstairs. The third was more interesting - it held various pieces of jewelry from over the ages. The room began simple, with dates beginning in the negatives heading towards more positive numbers as the jewels grew more and more extravagant. The final room was more botanical in nature - various vines, plants and flowers grew within. Although it would be hard to make out from within the main area, there were a couple small iron cages being held on the table. Shelved in a corner were small sacks that each had a well-drawn and descriptive name of a plant within.