[@LightningMaiden][@Searat][@KatherinWinter] [color=a0410d]"Alright Rich. Just get back to base safe." [/color]Argus responded plainly, a hint of concern in his voice, [color=a0410d]"And make sure you rest up properly after you clock out. It's been a long day."[/color] The Djinn waved Amaya over[color=a0410d]"Wait here, I'll go grab my car."[/color] He said before walking off. A few minutes later, he returned driving a large black SUV strongly resembling a police model sans lights and markings. [color=a0410d]"Hop in, you can sit wherever but be forewarned there's a bin of demon ink samples in the back seat that I confiscated from the cops."[/color] he stated through the rolled down driver side window, [color=a0410d]"Griff, you need a lift?"[/color]