[img] http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs42/f/2009/163/7/f/Random_Portrait_Updated_by_Athena_chan.jpg [/img] Name: Hen’na Sensei , the weird teacher Gender: Male [hider=Other Forms][img] http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2010/345/7/a/ghost_samurai_by_helgephoenix-d34ogqd.jpg [/img] Saigo no Kyojin, the last madman, is the form Sensei takes every now and then. He says he has control over it, but this is never seen. He might just change, could happen any second, could be right now.[/hider] Earthly Home: Sensei has a temple which randomly appears in the wild. Also Shrines may randomly appear in brothels and inns. Offerings can be made, but Sensei honestly doesn’t know or care what he likes, could be anything really. Strange things tend to happen around the shrines and temples, from monkey spawns to sake rains. God Of: Discord/chaos/madness Weapons/Possessions: Varies/Random Background: - Trying to come up with something, frame is still a bit too loose for this. - Extra: As far as the weapons and possessions go, it really could be anything, a spear, a pair of dice, a bottle of sake. These things are taken at random from shrines and temples. Sensei is at odds a lot, with himself, because of his multiple personalities. ------- Okay, here goes, I know this all sounds vague, but that would fit right in with the god of chaos and madness as far as I know.