[center] [h3]Peace is among us![/h3] [img]https://static1.squarespace.com/static/555e3940e4b0b614ae725f98/t/58b07a2315d5db723277e0f2/1487960618024/[/img] A picture April 1905 1st brigade - 1st Infantry 'Drexler's Dumbest' doing another sprinting exercise. It was at the table that Hans Eberstark began to speak to the board of directors. "Hello gentlemen, we are here today to plan the new library going into Markus our great captial." He said the man aging and some wet behind the ears eagelry nodded and murmured around themselves. "Yes the libary." one of them said, it was said almost two million Cadian would be spent on this 'world wonder'. Their train of thought was unfortunatly interupted by a loud crowd outside the meeting hall in Markus. An Itherae national was being beaten by a crowd of twenty, the reason apparently unknown Cadian constables stood by until the beating ended before dispering the crowd. The crowd dispersed, jeers of "You scum don't belong here" were the general response. The Itherian unfortunately perished due to critical wounds, hours later morgue staff removed the beaten body from the streets. (+1 all) [/center]