[center][abbr=Hi! Takara here! Other people have cute pictures of themselves, so me too! Plus, the outline reminds me of a dohyō! Whoa, this is so exciting! I'm going to IA, and I'm gonna be a HERO!][img]https://i.imgur.com/v9RhsUy.png?1[/img][/abbr][/center] [right][hr][color=gray][b]Sapporo, Japan[/b] Ishin Academy, April 7th[/color][hr][/right] [indent]It’d been a very exciting morning for Takara. She hardly ever had a chance to ride the bullet train, and she never thought she’d be going to such a prestigious school, so she was rushing to make sure she made it on time. A few bumps in packing essentials, having to run and buy a replacement heating pad for her spine, and almost missing the bullet train left her sweating a storm. But she made it, and she was impressed with herself for once. The ride was a nice change of pace from staying in Tokyo all day, but she didn’t have much to do aside from look out the window. April was a slow season for Sumo, unless you were looking at some weird underground scene that wasn’t approved of by the Japan Sumo Association. She could try and see if there was anything like that in Sapporo, but she figured she wouldn’t have time. Besides, what would Ishin think if she was caught sneaking out to see Quirk Sumo matches? She couldn’t tarnish the reputation of such an esteemed school! Well, at least there was stuff going on in May. Well, with all of that intense thinking, the ride was over before Takara even knew it. Takara made sure to pack lightly, only taking what she needed. Her heating pad, some recipes for a hardy Chankonabe, her phone, a single set of pajamas, and her favorite pillow. It was nice having few interests, because it meant that she didn’t need to buy lots of things. It was easy carrying everything with her, but in her big rush she wound up having to ask a stranger for directions. She’d forgotten how to get to Ishin from the train station, but she was determined to make it on time. She had to look good. What if a Sumo Wrestler had shown up late to a match? [color=B22222][i]Ah, I hope I’m not late.[/i][/color] Takara glanced down at the information she’d received with her acceptance letter. She knew she was in the right place. It was too school-like to be the wrong place. But the hallways were kind of confusing to her, and she had to stop to read every sign to find her way to what should have been an easy-to-find hall. At this point she was rushing, hurriedly walking when there was nobody around to see her awkward attempt at not-running and slowing down whenever she so much as suspected someone might look her direction. She was nervous, but the fact that there were other people walking around meant she was probably on time. Finally, (after unknowingly walking in a circle several times) she found the meeting hall and found a seat after almost sitting with the second years. [color=B22222][i]I’m too nervous. I can’t mess this up on the first day! C’mon Takara, if you can’t get in the dohyō you at least need to find a seat to watch![/i][/color] Oh, this was exciting! Sure, she couldn’t find her way around as easily as some people, but she was too excited to sit still. Had she missed part of the speech? Was this intermission? What time was it? So many questions, but she had to be polite. She should probably ask, though. Where she was sat was somewhere near the edge of the row, so there weren’t too many people seated on her right, but that didn’t mean she was alone! The student to her left, a blue-haired girl, sat more seriously than Takara herself did. Well, Ishin [i]was[/i] a serious school for serious people. It’d probably look good if she straightened herself out, too. It’d probably be good for her spine, anyways. It took her a second, but she timidly turned to her neighbor and whisper-yelled, [color=B22222][b]”I’m not late, right? Also, hi, I’m Katō Takara! I’m so glad to meet you![/b][/color][/indent]