[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180602/a2de79c52f0a3e66593d6b0a793bbed6.png[/img][/center][right][hr][color=gray][b]Unknown Location, British Raj[/b] Midday[/color][hr][/right][indent][color=red][b]"It's what will bind us, yet draw everyone further from one another."[/b][/color] Naomi frowned as Aleyev continued to speak. Remembering every detail of each and every individual? It was madness; a needless action even more dangerous than fighting a war yourself! Naomi had been cursed, having seen plenty people she had known well die in this damned bloody war to the Germans. Being too buddy buddy with your comrades or not often meant the difference between drinking your sorrows away and/or offing yourself with your issued weapon, or living on to another day sane of mind. Too many times Naomi had been hurt in the past on multiple occasions, before she knew it was best to cut herself off from the outside world and carry on like a robot. Her parents, her brothers, even Mieszko... all that mattered now to Naomi was razing the entirety of the Nazi empire to the ground. [color=red][b]"I overheard some officers talking about garrisons of Spanish, Italian and German foes further inland..."[/b][/color] By then, Naomi's demeanor had changed. The thought of Krauts garrisoning some nameless post intrigued the agent as she found herself listening closely. Forget the Japanese, Naomi had a chance to make her eternal enemies pay dearly for the suffering she and the British people had experienced, from the destruction of cities to the spilled blood of fathers, mothers, sons and daughters. The only thing returning back to the German fatherland would be the bullet-ridden corpses pelted with 9x19mm parabellum. Before the agent could reply, however, a sharp whistle echoed throughout the wind from the train. An officer held his cap out from a window, ushering the passengers back on in shouted Russian. Aleyev placed a hand on Naomi's shoulder as he gave a joking wink of good luck before returning to his train cabin. Naomi stood still; her thoughts racing and considering the Russian's speech as she watched Aleyev return, before ultimately returning the train herself. [color=0071FF][i]Peculiar fellow[/i][/color], she thought.[/indent] [right][hr][color=gray][b]Matupi Headquarters, British Raj[/b] Night[/color][hr][/right][indent]The sound of another screeching stop roused Naomi up from her chair. Outside her window, day had shifted to night, and Naomi was greeted with a familiar sight. The appearance of the so-called Matupi Headquarters was rough, with sandbagged walls and rundown buildings with cracked windows as far as the eye could see. It reminded Naomi of the old bases she had scoured within Poland, if one could replace the heat with Russian cold and the troops with Axis-aligned soldiers. With her thoughts drifting back to the days where her group of agents and rebels were busy tracking German panzer movements and ambushing motorcycle troops, Naomi found herself forcing a smile. Being the sole survivor of an entire family [i]and[/i] a group of compatriots was hell, after all. Descending the steps of the train, Naomi adjusted her red beret as her gaze looked upwards at the multi-language sign that was held high above the entrance. [color=0071FF][b]"It's a long way to Matupi..."[/b][/color] Naomi muttered, alluding to a popular tune as she entered the makeshift fortress with the rest of the experimental squad. Shortly after leaving the train, the squad was directed to a row of temporary tents. It had been rather late when the train had arrived to the headquarters, and it was also clear that the officers wanted the expriemental squad well rested for the morning and whatever tomorrow would bring. Following the orders of her new superiors, Naomi was quick to take a spot among the rest, and proceeded to take off her fatigue jacket and beret. Carefully bundling her jacket, Naomi slid it under her head for comfortable support as she slept, and let the beret softly rest nearby as she dozed off.[/indent]