[right][sub][color=crimson]LOCATION[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]Brady Household[/color] [color=crimson]TIME[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]Late Afternoon[/color] [color=crimson]INTERACTING WITH[/color] ⤑ Arthur [Boyfriend], Alyssa [Friend] [color=crimson]FEELING[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]Neutral. Although...[/color] [/sub] [/right] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjg4LmZhOTliZi5TblZ6ZENCaElGUmhiR3MsLjA,/aprils.regular.png[/img] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/6fa02e44769e49c1438b1250dee1aadb/tumblr_nsz813xCGB1u2bcamo1_500.gif[/img] [img]http://jennifer-helene.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/divider_ribbon1.png[/img] [/center] She genuinely had no idea why, but hearing Terrance and Isaac apologize to her somehow made Helene feel worse. It was hard to look at them both, but she couldn't help but notice how Terrance wouldn't stop looking at her. She didn't understand him. She didn't understand his actions, she didn't understand the things he did, and it was frustrating because that tiny little voice in the back of her mind kept trying to tell her different things from time to time. As Helene and Terrance were dismissed, Helene felt herself ready for another drink until Terrance addressed her. She stopped her walk, looking over her shoulder at him, but whatever nerve he had in front of Mr. Patrone was gone, as he wouldn't even look at her now. He wanted to talk. About what? As her eyes examined his face, she wanted to say no, but if she walked away now, she wasn't going to get the answers she wanted. "[color=lightsalmon]A talk is a good idea,[/color]" She replied quietly, continuing her walk to where Gigi stood with her arms crossed, looking slightly bored. "[color=lightsalmon]I'll be going somewhere with Terrance. I'll text you to come pick me up,[/color]" She stated. Gigi flickered her eyes onto Helene, who she noticed looked pretty serious. She looked at Terrance and seemed to understand. "[color=orangered]I see,[/color]" She replied, pushing herself off the wall to look at her properly. "[color=orangered]I'll be standing by, then.[/color]" She replied, giving Helene a light bow before excusing herself. As Gigi entered Helene's car, she leaned back as her phone chimed. She was surprised to see it was Alexander, although considering how they left off, maybe it shouldn't have been so surprising. Was she free? Technically, no, but she was just supposed to wait for Helene just in case things went south. Although if their history showed anything, Terrance would likely successfully re-seduce her and they'd end up making up or whatever. Or at least, that's what she wanted to think, but really she really did believe things would go south, fast. If she really was set on being alone, she was likely going to reject Terrance. Did Gigi really want to stick around for the ensuing breakdown? Nope. She would rather just pick her up and drop her off at home to she could drink herself into oblivion again. [i][color=orangered]I don't really have plans, although I am just waiting for a call,[/color][/i] She decided to at the very least respect Terrance and Helene's privacy. [i][color=orangered]Why?[/color][/i] [hr] The curtains were drawn, the 'Do Not Disturb' sign hung on the door, and the room was extra dark with the exception of the two computer screens beaming into Evan's face. His eyes darted from one to the other, leaning forward to read them carefully. His bluetooth headset was currently connected to his phone as it placed a call, ringing out the tone as he waited for the other end to pick up. A low beep informed him he was connected, and one of the screens changed in response. He let out a sigh of relief, a satellite image of the city appearing shortly afterwards. "[color=darkorange]Alright, I can see now,[/color]" He stated. "[color=coral]That's the area I'm hitting,[/color]" Ariadne's voice came out from his headset. "[color=coral]A majority of the local authorities are guarding a local event, so the streets are mostly clear. It doesn't matter where he runs, either he faces me or runs back into Munez territory where his men are dropping like flies. They do [i]not[/i] like strangers.[/color]" Evan's eyes landed on the police report he pulled up, though he didn't seem convinced. "[color=darkorange]Here's hoping he's there,[/color]" He murmured, sitting up slightly. "[color=darkorange]I've got Jun filling me in on the other side. Just be careful out there.[/color]" "[color=coral]Speaking of careful, where is Helene?[/color]" She asked him. Evan had failed to inform her about the little situation that occurred. The last thing he wanted was for her to get distracted. "[color=darkorange]I've tightened security on her home, and she is currently at the Patrone residence. If anything happens, I'll hear of it.[/color]" Ariadne fell silent for a moment. "[color=coral]I still have Mama's box. If something happens to me, give it to her,[/color]" She said quietly. "[color=darkorange]Of course. Now then, when will you strike?[/color]" Evan asked, his yes looking at the clock. "[color=coral]Tonight. Let's see how it goes...[/color]" [center][img]http://heartfull.life/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2016/04/divider_ribbon2.png[/img][/center]