The rain had formed big droplets that were coming down hard and fast. Puddles were quickly starting to form all around. The day's downpour was going to get everything wet and muddy. Alfred was in the middle of talking to Beornraed when the man on the horse strolled over and addressed him. This clearly must be the man behind the parchment he had just received. This is the town's new Justiciar. Alexius did not seem anything that Alfred thought he would look like. The Justiciar had a harshness evident from the lines on his face. In his eyes one could see that he had a mission and was not going to stop until it was completed. Alfred appreciated men that lived for one purpose. Alfred responded to Alexius, "I am indeed Lord Alfred, Commander over the Cirencester militia and her armory." "The town's militia is indeed ready for battle, should the need ever arise." "It is a pleasure to meet you Justiciar Alexius. Shall we head into my barracks so that we might get to know each other better."