[Center][H2]Casual War's Celebration[/h2][/center] It has been five months since the Confederacy was cemented. The nation of Griffegus have been regrouping its three skyfleets from three different theatres in response for homeland defense. Meanwhile, talks about the Grypthon Rehabilitation have been going well, with the establishment of more Alphanite mines, the nation plans on forming a new Skyfleet with a new class of skyship to be introduced. On the other side, Raegalia have recently conquered Karastus on the north. Decisively crushing its armed forces and raising the Raegalian flag in their capital. Although the 7th Raegalian Frontier and the 4th Raegalian Skyfleet will face oppositions of foreign occupation, Karastus will become one more region in the Confederation's territory. In the Academy of Arms, Cortez the Raegalian capital. "Gentlemen, ladies, Raegalians and Griffegus. I welcome you all in this banquet of celebration for our first joint victory against Karastus of the north. This here and furthermore shall mark our advent of greater might, in the name of the cause we call our nation. Enjoy now, and a good evening. Long live, Aranor, and to the Confederacy." The Raegalian speaker ends his speech. Afterwards, many of those that have attended enjoyed the banquet, having a traditional accent. Most of them are military officers, soldiers that have distinguished themselves in the battlefield, and of course, the higher-up commanders and generals themselves. "Well met, oh lady of her lands, Miss Ygyslov, the beautiful dreadnought of Griffegus might." Said a Raegalian officer, kissing the ring within the hands of the young Griffegus Prime Minister Lorelaine Ygyslov. "Why thank you, umm-" "Sir Charles Hyrnacus of the Raegalian Forces, 1st Division Commodore of the 7th Frontier, pardon my impoliteness of introduction, my lady." He said. "I guess you Raegalian gentlemen have more manners than arrogance. Sir Charles, a glass of your victory over foreign lands." The soft but strong words of the Prime Minister. "My thanks, Miss Ygyslov." The officer replied. "Tell me sir Charles, where is your marshal in command? I see he has not attended this honorary celebration." She questioned. "My apologies for his absence. Grand Marshal Constantinoah is currently on our former homeland, attending some, issues of resources. However, in matters of today's affairs you may speak to me milady." The man answered. "Oh that's nice, excuse me sir Charles, I shall take my leave for the moment." The Prime Minister went out of the Academy, outside breathing fresh air. A sigh went out of Lorelaine's mouth. "All these properly mannered words and etiquitte, so boring. I wish I could see him... oohhh why?!" She ranted to herself. An agent came to her bringing urgent news. "Prime Minister, we received a call from the ambassadorial sector." He said. "Eh uhm *cough* *ahem* --Ambassadors? Who are they?" She questioned. "[b]The Whampoan Reich[/b], maam." Seemingly got her attention, the Griffegus Prime Minister called for the rest of the Union's delegates and invited a Raegalian representative enroute for the embassy. ___________ --There was a dream, a boy and a girl shared this dream. Their dream of which was born from the thoughts of liberty, and the folly it produced. The dream of which one day, a world is conquered under two flags-- ___________