[h3][u][b]Cassandra La Cassidin[/b][/u][/h3] Everything honestly sounded good. A solid plan. A well crafted plan. One problem. [color=f7941d]"Poland! But I've never been to Poland. Why, I'd need to get a map, make a list of the customs!"[/color] Cassandra had already begun to pace, and dug around in a bag she had slung over he chest. Flicking through a rather large book of tourist places, she finally settled on Poland. "Okay... So..." She paused with a sigh. [color=f7941d]"Oh this will never work. I need at least a week to be ready. I'd need to check the place before I moved in. Then I'd need to have my lab set up beforehand. And that's not even getting into how I'd need to know all the nearby restaurants."[/color] This went on for a while. She listed off at least a dozen things she would need, until finally, she paused. Finally realizing just what she was doing. [color=f7941d]"I mean! I'm just so... Never been to Poland. I mean, I understand I'm a candidate, but are you sure I can really go to Poland? I mean, this whole servant war thing... I've only read about it. I haven't even had time to think about what kind of servant I'd want! Or what to do with them!"[/color] Taking a deep breath, Cassandra finally let it out into a sigh. [color=f7941d]"Okay... We can do this."[/color]