[quote=@RangingWolf] Im interested. Though I dont think I'd see myself playing as a pony lol. Maybe some Biotic merc from mass effect or something along those lines. [/quote] Hahah, Yeah you don't need to XD It was just my idea for the first encounter, players who aren't pony were going to be a standard anyway :D with some who would be, if they wanted XD I at least planned to use one, but if the people interested don't wanna end up in pony-land then I can always tweak him to end up somewhere else, I rather like my flexible imagination! [quote=@thedman] I like the idea. [/quote] Wonderful! :D [quote=@WanderingDragon] This may be interesting. I'm debating whether to join such a group or create one of my own. Is there a plot for this idea? [/quote] I have an 'eventually epic plot' in mind for the long-term, but I planned for the basic beginning plot to depend on the opinions of people interested, though I have several smaller plot ideas for the beginning, 'what' we start with I intended to depend on the people playing, and beyond that I could come up with more, or take suggestions, based on a variety of budding possibilities.