[center][sup]The Rise of Kul[/sup][/center] [center]Smor’Gen’Blok[/center] Ja’Kul curled over from Hi’Wor’s punch. Bargaining with Hi’Wor was not going to work, but for the sake of respectability, Za’Kul would do as Ja’Kul instructed. One chance at reason is all Hi’Wor would get. The likelihood his plea would penetrate Hi’Wor’s venbu-thick skull was almost nihil and Za’Kul knew he was foolish for trying, but he had to at least try--if only for his father’s sake. “Hi’Wor. We bargain. Not need war. Kul not slave, but Kul will agree to other terms.” Za’Kul knew the risks of war, and if he could not convince Hi’Wor otherwise, war is what it would come down to--and he had no clue how his people would win if they had to take up arms against the War’Boa.