[center][h1]The World Undone[/h1] (1905--)[/center] [hider=Orders] - Posting IC will be immensely beneficial to you as a player. It is, however, not necessary. This is designed so that you can still send in your orders if you are too busy to post, but posting IC will provide a tangible bonus to your DRM (Die Roll Modifier). - Each [b]Turn[/b] represents one In-Game Month. The player will submit [b]3 Orders[/b]. - Each order is then subject to a 1d6 roll. A 6 means a perfect execution and a 1 means a horrible failure. Posting IC gives you a +2 die roll to a single order, or a +1 die roll to all three. [Specified at the end of your IC post.]. This means that more active players are rewarded. - [b]Orders[/b]: * [b][color=yellow]Economic[/color][/b]: An order designed to benefit the nation economically. * [b][color=red]Military[/color][/b]: An order designed to affect your military. * [b][color=green]Diplomacy[/color][/b]: An order designed to conduct diplomacy. * [b][color=blue]Imperialism[/color][/b]: Exploring and developing new lands. * [b][color=gold]Conference[/color][/b]: Used to call a [i]Political[/i] or [i]Military[/i] Conference. Select which nations to invite. Begins a [b]Conference[/b]. (See PM for rules).[/hider][hider=Tensions] 1. [b]City-State of Julia[/b]: 5 / 5 Tensions with [b][color=gray]Holy Empire of Vigentino[/color][/b]. 2. [b]Kingdom of Cadia[/b]: 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]Kingdom of Etelia[/b] - 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]High Kingdom of Itherae[/b] - 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]Cydernian Republic[/b] - 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]Melgaria[/b] 3. [b]Empire of Tyria[/b]: 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]Republic of Escya[/b] - 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]High Kingdom of Itherae[/b] - 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]Cydernian Republic[/b] - 2 / 5 Tensions with [b]Helrox Empire[/b] 4. [b]Helrox Empire[/b]: 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]Republic of Escya[/b] - 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]Holy Empire of Vigentino[/b] 5. [b]Toubrés Empire[/b]: 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]Kingdom of Etelia[/b] [/hider][hider=World Maps][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/f6G2ZIS.png[/img] [i]Eurania and Faresia, 1905[/i][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/wM70lU6.png[/img] [i]The Fifth Continent, 1905[/i][/center][/hider] [hr][hr] [center][u]Turn 4[/u][/center][center][b][h2]April, 1905[/h2][/b][/center] [b]April 10th[/b] [indent]On April 10th the [b]Vashaqamak-Viande Autorace[/b] is held on the [b]Fifth Continent[/b]. Recruitment began in early March. In just 40 days over 300 drivers enrolled, many more than expected. The net worth of the cars involved in the race surpassed 7 million Parakan dollars. The race was to span over 1307 kilometers in total. The race was sponsored by [b]Cine-ojo Film Conglomerate[/b] and [b]Automobilia Club de Ustrela[/b] ([i]A.C.U[/i]). Over 300 drivers were involved in modified and differing sport versions of either a [b]Karqasia Model V[/b] or a [b]Segaso Modello I[/b]. Many had all non-essential parts pulled from the vehicle to decrease it's weight. The overall winner of the race was [b]Segaso[/b], as seven of the top ten finishers were driving a [u]Modello I Sportsa[/u]. [[b]Segaso[/b] gains +14.00 Experience. [b]Karqasia[/b] gains +5.00 Experience] [center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b1/1903_Paris-Madrid._Henri_Rougier_%28Turcat-M%C3%A9ry_45-hp%29_11th_overall%2C_9th_in_heavy_car_class.jpg[/img] [i]Markos Diego Sylvestra during the Vashaqamak-Viande, he would come in 3rd later that day driving a Modella I Sportsa[/i][/center][/indent] [b][u]Julo-Vigentan War[/u][/b] [indent]The [b]Vigentan Imperial Guard[/b] continues to advance haphazardly, leaving parental guard units where necessary. Construction efforts continue in the Capitol of Julia, but the city is becomingly increasingly crowded with refugees and many of the population are starting to grow discontent with the situation. [[b]City-State of Julia[/b] loses 1% Stability.][/indent] [b]April 11th[/b] [indent]King Armando di Mavoia IV of Etelia meets with the Toubrian foreign diplomat Diego Mendez, who offers a Non-Aggression Pact to the Etelians and also requests a defensive alliance. Armanda di Mavoia is incensed, instead telling the Toubrian diplomat: "[i]We will sign no such agreement. And let us be clear. When you finally lose control of the Kaffa dog, the Etelians will go in and put him down for you and then take the land as payment[/i]." [[b][color=blue]Toubrés Empire[/color][/b] gains +1 Tensions with [b][color=green]Kingdom of Etelia[/color][/b].][/indent] [b][u]Julo-Vigentan War[/u][/b] [indent]No major updates.[/indent] [b]April 12th[/b] [indent]In the [b][color=yellow]High Kingdom of Itherae[/color][/b], the national government stumbles into the idea for an Itheraen machine gun. Overlooking the fact that neither Itheraen soldiers or engineers have ever personally held a machine gun, the government requests a weapon "designed for range and fire rate to stop enemy approach before they can get into rifle distance while maintaining a suppressible fire rate, or a fire rate fast enough to destroy entire squads." Additionally, Itheraen engineers are poised to engineer a sandwich "designed for eating," in the near future. Without a deadline, many assume that a new machine gun will be designed in the logical conclusion of all the parts seemingly falling into place--no doubt by sheer luck, at this point.[/indent] [b]April 13th[/b] [indent]In the [b][color=blue]Toubrés Empire[/color][/b], Minister of Finance Enrique Illescas is tasked with opening a new shipyard in the Empire. Following weeks of discovery, Illescas realizes two possible options. Requesting $6,000,000 in funds to facilitate the construction of a state owned shipyard or to process an order request at a third that size ($2,000,000) to warrant a large enough incentive for a private shipbuilding company to build it's own shipyard to fulfill the order. The mercantile shipping company [u]Nau Rocha S.n.L.[/u] was the company most likely to take on the contract as Toubrés premier shipping entity.[/indent] [b]April 14th[/b] [indent]In the [b][color=olive]Parakan Republic[/color][/b], the [u]Federal Vashaqamak Industrial Exposition[/u] is budgeted with an operating limit of $2,500,000. Slated to be held on October 1st, 1905, the National Exposition will have an entrance fee of $2 Parakan Intis. Less than 2% of the average wage ([b]QUOTE FROM PM ORDER[/b]: [i]The National Exposition will have an entrance fee of $2 Parakan Intis. Less than 2% of the average wage.[/i]) This was later changed to 1 cent, than 2 to cents, than to 5 cents. By the third day of planning, nearly $480,000 had already been spent, though Vice-President Noroya Atqak couldn't quite figure out on what. The joke in Eurania was: "Industrial Exposition has sent out the most expensive invites the world has ever seen," and it become a sort of trading game to collect one of each of the dozen invites sent out. The first invited only Steiner Meustadt A.G. and Karqasia Auto Co. (these items were hot commodities in [b][color=olive]Paraka[/color][/b] and [b][color=yellow]Escya[/color][/b]). The second, third and fourth invites were inviting nationalized industries that legally couldn't show off their wares outside of the country anyway. These rarities fetched nearly $17 dollars at a private auction in Thermydon! [b][u]Julo-Vigentan War[/u][/b] The [b]Imperial Guard[/b] of the [i]Holy Empire of Vigentino[/i] has now seized the entirety of Methyrnia. Refugees are now being collected and sent back to the villages they're attempting to escape. Nearly two weeks ahead of schedule, Vigentino morale is high [+10% Morale for Deployed Units] considering not a shot was fired.[/indent] [b]April 15th[/b] [indent]The [u][b]Serranthian Conference[/b][/u] officially begins. Criticisms of the [b][color=blue]Toubrés Empire[/color][/b] abound as many independent minds of the Great Powers believe the Toubrians could have effectively utilized the month long lull between the beginning of the rebellion and the conference to move troops into Serranthia in case things moved against them. Likewise, others believed this showed the Toubrians were generally interested in a peaceful resolution. Delegations from Tyria, Paraka and Helrox began to arrive with the conference expected to last two to three weeks. [center][img]https://undereveryleaf.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/002-kopie.jpg[/img] [i]Toubrian Serranthia Governor's Mansion where the Conference was to be held, circa 1905[/i][/center][/indent] [b]April 16th[/b] [indent]Somewhere on a grassy plain on the Fifth Continent, a brother and sister, nearly fifty miles from the nearest town, took a risk. The design of the Flyer S was a new design entirely. Using a Segaso 3.2HP motor, the Flyer S took off for 27 minutes and 14 seconds, covering nearly three and a half miles. When the flyer touched down, Sebastian de Halt was all smiles. [center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/08/WrightFlyer1904Circling.jpg[/img] [i]The de Halt Flyer-S, circa 1905[/i][/center] In the [b][color=beige]Coastal Empire of Tara[/color][/b], the Minister of Agriculture put forward a request of a design for any domestic companies within the Golden Islands to fulfill the following: 1: Provide a working prototype before a board of 6 (2 farmers, 2 economists, 2 academics) 2: A design for a automobile that's primary purpose would be used by farmers to do one of the following: - plant seed - sow ground - harvest crop A half dozen entrepreneurs, thinkers, inventors and businesses applied for the request, which was titled [b]Field Design #1[/b]. With a deadline of 16 months, few knew what to expect.[/indent]