Alicia's Beckoner appeared with a small blink of light, and she strummed her harp as she landed on her shoulder with her tiny feet. "Alicia! Where have you-Ah!" She yelped in surprise, and floated down to inspect Doris. "As we expected Justine has gone so far as to enslave others to her will, and have them...It is horrendous." She turned to Alicia, and gave a reassuring smile. "Do not worry, for you have the Beacon with you...In your pocket, and in your heart." She then climbed into her pocket, and popped out holding the jeweled trinket in her tiny hands. A pillar of light shot up from the item, and seemed to clear the night sky for but a brief moment before it disappeared. It only took a moment until Alicia could feel the same sensation as when she crossed through Mariette's portal; one Overcity Shift later, she was before a group of Beacon girls; the reinforcements have finally arrived. "Well you took your sweet time!" [url=]Sylvia Starshine[/url] berated Alicia, her hands on her hips. "But I'm glad you finally did activate the signal." Another girl stepped forth, happy as can be. "Have you located Justine?" Alicia saw that she accompanied by [url=]Shamrock Sally[/url], a Beacon girl notorious for both her extreme clumsiness but also her miraculous success in most missions. She bore a wide smile as she asked the question, her bounciness visually apparent from both her figure and dress. "Umm...Hello, how can I help?" Alongside her was [url=]June[/url], a rookie Beacon girl who just began when the HQ was attacked, and a pair of [url=]twins she had never seen before[/url]. They simply stood side by side, and looked on at Alicia silently. "I know it's not much, but there were only a few rookies available," Sylvia spoke, but then noticed Doris. "If you think they can be saved, then we'll hold back for now. But the moment things get hairy, we won't hesitate to burn the whole den of evil down. Alright, listen up!" She pointed at the castle. "Blueberry, Strawberry, you spread out and look for hostages. June, you check out the library. Sally, you...Accompany Alicia. Whe-huh?" Sylvia turned to see Penny's pathetic remains call out for them, and she sighed. "So the monster had its use after all. Wait just a sec, I'll come over!" She shouted, and gave a hand signal for the others to begin the operation. Everyone dispersed, but as Alicia was about to follow them, she heard a mewl low on the ground; she saw how Kimble's ears weakly twitched. "Uuuhhh..." She murmured, critically injured; it was a miracle she was alive. "Nghh..." She whined, and her tail slapped the ground, causing her to wince. Sally turned back. "Hm? IS something wrong, Alicia?" Sylvia leapt over the ice floes, and knelt beside Penny as she opened up her bag. "You're lucky I have my Hammerspace Bag with me." She took out some tools, and began giving her some mechanical first aid. "Hold still, your squirming makes this hard! Geez, what a piece of work..." She mumbled, and soon enough, Penny felt better...for a limbless torso. "So the rest of you scattered all over? What could have caused that much damage?" She asked, and then looked around. "Hey, didn't you come here on some kind of tank? Where is it?" [hr] The doll-like magical girls formed a wide circle around Mariette and Eli when they reached her, but then stopped, standing completely still with their arms at their side, aside from the occasional sway or crooked head. "Huh?" One asked, and the others looked confused as well. At first, they looked on with disdain and enmity like before, but when she mentioned Justine, they gasped. "You're a victim too..." Some mumbled, and some looked sad. It seemed her lies took root in their magically addled minds, and when she claimed she would defeat Justine, they smiled, having fully bought the deception. "Savior..You're here to save us." They weakly cheered, and now approached her even more, until Mariette was uncomfortably pushed against by a horde of smiling girls. "Let's go, Savior! Lead us to victory!" They spoke like a song, and lifted her up, carrying her in a crowd-surfing fashion as they ran out of the dungeons, in the direction Mariette would give them; they would obey nearly any order now. The Dark Magical Girl had succeeded in gathering minions of her own. Would she be the next ruler of the castle? [hr] [hider="Dectet, Nonet, Octet"][youtube][/youtube][/hider] The air in the altar chamber turned tense and seemed to faintly sparkle, as magical wind and mist swirled around and struggled for control between Janet and Sue, like Yin and Yang. The hostility was so palpable one could nearly taste it, hanging by a thin, sharply-wound thread, the silence only broken by Helga's quiet sobbing. Lily was frozen in place, not daring to move a muscle as Justine looked deep into her eyes with two crimson orbs. She then glared at Alex, and gripped her dagger tighter. Alex' clones flanked Justine, and the vampire girl's fangs glistened as she bared her teeth, her eyes ablaze with determination. [color=662d91]"I won't let anyone deny my paradise! NOBODY!"[/color] In a single instant, everything fell to chaos. As if she had cast a spell herself, Justine, and Lily by proximity, were encased inside Janet's bubble-like body, shielding them against the clones that flanked them and repelled their attacks. The bubble shivered, piercing screech resounded through the chamber like a demonic bat, and the large window in the back shattered; carried by the winds, the shards caused the room to shimmer in hues of red. [color=662d91]"Futile! Mere peasants like you cannot change fate!"[/color] Justine spoke with glee, and made a stabbing motion towards Lily. The green/haired girl yelped, and defended with her arms. The dagger bounced back, having shattered one of five barriers Alex managed to cast on her. [color=662d91]"All I need is a drop of your blood, Lily! It will only sting for a moment!"[/color] Justine made another stab, and another, her face a twisted smile, and Lily cried out in fear. [color=662d91]" So give it to me! Like the son of God, save us with your sacrifice!"[/color] But then, she stopped with a scowl as she felt the magic in the air coalesce around the chamber, just as more magical girls ran into the chamber. Her eyes widened, and she looked like she screamed loudly. However, her words fell to deaf ears, as everything turned silent; Sue cast a spell of great arcane might, and most of the floor disappeared, alongside everyone on and over it. [hr] [hider="Ascending Into Naught"][youtube][/youtube][/hider] A bright, yellow light flashed over everyone's eyes far in the horizon as it dipped into the ocean. The sound of harsh winds befell everyone, as they now plummeted from the sky alongside a long piece of marble floor that Justine and Lily stood on. Helga was startled by the change, and looked around, now upside down as she fell. Scout was standing at the very edge of the now-falling marble-floor, and nearly tripped from the edge, saving herself with her Dexterity. Justine, however only showed pure wrath in her eyes. When Sue launched the bubble up, she flapped her bat wings by reflex, and scoffed with a squint in her eyes. The black tentacles whipped and coiled around the bubble, and it endured until it was hit by Sue's vacuum punch, causing it to open up and expose the two inside. [color=662d91]"You harlot! But this changes nothing! The moment we reach the sea, Janet will kill you all! It is useless!"[/color] Justine shouted, and reeled back to throw her red spear. "Justine!" Justine turned; she saw Helga pointed at Justine; her tears flowed upwards from her cheeks. "My lady promised me we would sail the seas go on adventures on her ship. But you killed her! You have taken everything from me! I won't forgive you...I WILL AVENGE MY AMBY!" And then, she transformed again, and assumed her draconic form. But this time, it resembled her monster girl appearance more; it was fitted with futuristic accessories, with two horns with clean-cut tips growing from her forehead, and from her back sprouted scaly wings. She charged forward, and placed her clawed palms on the bubble. The bubble then incurred a point-blank impact from her sound wave cannons, now amplified with a frequency that could segregate the most viscous liquid. Due to her liquid form, Janet incurred heavy damage from the blow, and was forced to reassemble back to her jellyfish form. [color=662d91]"Kneel, peasants, and submit to your destiny! Cross of Golgata!"[/color] Justine spread her limbs, including her four black wings, and magic circles formed from each one; she unleashed a barrage of wide red beams of magical energy in the shape of crosses from them. One was aimed at Helga, another at Alex, one at Shade, and the last one at Sue. The lasers were accompanied by a massive amount of red orbs, filling the air with a curtain of magical projectiles, forming mesmerizing patterns as Justine showed her supreme magical ability. [color=fff200]"Aaahhh!"[/color] Lily screamed as she fell, only slightly slower than the seesaw floor. It would still take some time before they hit the sea. [color=fff200]"I wish I had wings tooooooooo!"[/color]