[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=c4df9b]Amelia Payne[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/8e/10/18/8e10189b3a15eb09ab7d0ade37aaeeec--kat-mcnamara-katherine-mcnamara.jpg[/img] [I]Location: Her home, Los Angeles, California Interacting With: Landlord[/I][/center] [hr][hr] [color=fff79a]“Ehhh... no need... I'd do it myself.” S[/color]he said, her face turning a certain shade darker from the embarrassment. She had to pack up underwear and the like too. She naturally didn't want others to see it. So since she was only bringing clothing of direct necessity after all. She looked away and quickly hopped to where she kept a luggage bag. It wasn't the biggest one out there but she could fit quite a few of her clothing in there. [color=c4df9b]“I'm from here... I mean from LA to begin with.”[/color] She quickly explained.[color=c4df9b]” Been living here in Los Angeles all my life. What about you, Riley?”[/color] She added with a shrug, her mind wandering for a moment, her hands stopping gathering clothing. Amelia was thinking about what she wanted to do eventually. Maybe move out of LA, get to see more of the world? She shook her head to focus and resumed working on the luggage being gathered up. She didn't have that many of clothing to choose from. Not that she didn't have enough clothing she had more than enough, but it was all samey with similar patterns or straight out duplicates since she bought cheaply after all for most things. The most expensive piece of clothing she owned was her coat. It was a nice coat after all. She then jolted when the neighbor made his presence known in his usual manner. She looked at Riley who was being inquisitive about it and nodded[color=c4df9b].” All the time... Lately it's been getting worse, especially after I fell sick and my powers surfaced.”[/color] She explained and looked at the bathroom.[color=c4df9b]” When my powers first appeared I spend days here without leaving any because I couldn't control them and lightning was hitting all the time. I think he got even angrier after that noise. Not that he was nicer before that with the harassement... He tried to grab my ...”[/color] She stopped herself from speaking any further and blushed.” Doesn't matter really!” She said waving her hands in dismissing manner. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=fff200]Claire Winters [/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/nFyOaXE.gif[/img] [I]Location: Her home, New York City, New York Interacting With: Olivia[@Nallore][/I][/center] [hr][hr] Having separated from the two women, Claire drove off to her place without much wasting of time happening. A few traffic lights and the like was all she spend most time waiting on, but overall within reasonable time she got back home and quickly parked the car on her usual spot. Then having exited the car she pulled her umbrella to protect from the rain, walked all the way to the front door of the apartment complex and entered it, closing the umbrella as she did so. Then she proceeded to get to her home and close the door loudly over the sound of the earlier renovation or construction happening. She was not happy about that but whatever. [color=fff200]“Home, sweet home~”[/color] She whistled, throwing the jacket on the hanging rack, putting her keychain in the usual place on the main table in case she had to bolt for somewhere at a moment's notice and walked to the bedroom where she undressed from what she was wearing and switched the her rather unique sleepwear which was actually a black silk cultist looking robe complete with a hood and red symbols all around. It was comfi though so that was all that mattered. With that prep done, she threw herself on the bloody red bedsheets, wrapped herself tightly and went to sleep in her jolly bedroom which would probably creep or weird out people if they found out all the sigils and runes on the wall and the magic circles completely with a jagged looking dagger hanging on the wall for maximum cultist vibes.