[h2][center][b]High Kingdom of Itherae[/b][/center][/h2] [h3][center]Sports and Cars[/center][/h3] Who would guess that a very important figure in Itheraen society would have been an avid viewer of the automobile industry, especially for a race that was sponsored across the great see that separated Eurania and the Fifth Continent. That avid viewer was none other than the Queen of the nation, herself, finding a strong liking to to the little cars that had been produced over the months. When the announcement of the race had come she had been sure to reserve herself a seat to watch the spectacle, while this news had not affected a majority of the public, who had had never seen a car in their lives, it did spark an interest in the more noble of people that inhabited Itherae's upper crust of society, that typically being government officials or wealthy land holders. Queen Athena had spent a few days in Ustrela to watch the race, eventually returning to her homeland of Itherae, wanting a car of her own. However, there was the fact that the yearly, around April 18th through to the 21st, the [i]Athlitikí Synkéntrosi[/i] or "Sport's Gathering"; a festival held annually in Thermydon with many sports, consisting of wrestling, running, and boxing is in full swing and will last for three days, one day for each sport. The Government even officially recognizes this three day excursion as an official holiday with the nation. Many take off work to travel to the city in order to see the spectacle of Athletes competing for recognition and fame in the official sports, while many unofficial ones are held around the nation more as a family interacting with their community. While women generally did not engage in the Following the three days the official sports would be viewed by many officials, including the Queen, of course. It was a very fun event for all, with everyone watching, playing, and overall just betting on who would win. This year, the winner would be Hyllos Siculus, with his second year winning all three sports in first place. This won him a prize of $100,000 as well as a dinner in the noble company of royal family.