Catching up while I was out doing chores and getting whooped in Battletech: [quote=@Sep] It's out... [youtube][/youtube] Out of curiosity, who is all your favourite main villain/hero combo? I mean you get iconic ones like Joker and Batman, Flash and his Reverse, Captain America and Redskull. Obviously all these heroes have other villains they face (I really struggled to think of a [i]main[/i] one for spidey), but I'm talking about the Villains you think of when you hear a heroes name. For example with me it [i]has[/i] to be Reverse Flash. I love how he hates Barry for 'betraying' him, and does all this shit to make Barrys life hell but at the end of the day, that's all he can do. He can never kill Barry because then he'd cease to have his own origin and be a paradox in itself. I just love the dynamic that creates between them, and with how much about Barrys personal life and masked life he knows. Joker I thinks cool, but I love how RF is a psychopath but isn't completely crazy. [/quote] Thematically speaking, I'd have to go with Supes and Lex. There really isn't much better than "The Man who would be a God vs The God who would be a Man." Xavier and Magneto is a pretty dang close one, as is Spidey and Osborn. I would have said Batman and Joker back before it was utterly done to death; these days they're the Cena vs Orton of comics in that it's an "iconic" feud that I'd be perfectly happy never seeing ever again. In terms of character interaction, that's a different story. I'd probably have to go with either Spidey and Doc Ock, Daredevil and Kingpin, or Sinestro pulling off the Herculean task of making Hal Jordan entertaining. [quote=@Sep] [img][/img] Okay, I know there's always arguments about Superman keeping his secret ID. I can live with him just putting glasses on and it changes everything... usually. Though when he's built like a weightlifting champion how does he maintain his secret identity? [/quote] While it's pretty ridiculous when they draw him like that (Much as I love him, Ed McGuinness was pretty guilty of brick-shithouse Superman as well), there have actually been a few different psychological experiments that show people will have trouble recognizing faces even based on small, seemingly ineffectual changes like doing your hair in a different way, putting on a hat, or indeed, wearing a pair of glasses. Not to mention, Superman lives in a world where heroes like Wonder Woman and Aquaman typically don't bother with a secret identity at all, so there's really no reason for people to assume he has one. And while it's non-canon, in [i]All-Star Superman[/i] it's off-handedly mentioned that something like 60% of American men subconsciously groom themselves to look more like him, so even if someone does catch on to the fact that Clark happens to look like Superman they'd probably assume it's intentional. Plus, there's just the disconnect between his two personae: unless you were genre-savvy and aware you were living in a comic book, if someone came up and told you the indestructible space-man who just saved the Earth by bench-pressing the moon back into orbit is the same person as the soft-spoken dweeb who can't take the coffee stain out of his tie, you'd probably think that person was insane, regardless of how ripped Clark is. Like, imagine you've got a friend who looks like Tom Hanks. A [i]lot[/i] like Tom Hanks. He doesn't dress like him, or talk like him, or act like him in any way, but he just looks an awful lot like Tom Hanks. Tom Hanks is a world-famous multi-millionaire movie star who produces and stars in some of the most beloved blockbusters of all time. Your friend is just some dude who, as far as you can tell, doesn't get out much. So even if you noticed the eerie similarity, chances are you wouldn't go "A-HA! Clearly you're Tom Hanks in disguise!!!" It doesn't excuse people like Lois and Jimmy who are around both Superman and Clark all the time (one of the things I really appreciated about the new movies is that Lois is onto Clark's act from the start and we don't have to put up with the tiresome old rigmarole of him repeatedly gaslighting her), but at least Lex Luthor has the excuse of being a megalomaniac who couldn't fathom the idea of someone as powerful as Superman 'debasing' himself by living as a normal person. And Jimmy, well, he's usually kind of an idiot anyway. Anywho, I'm gonna be out of the house most of the weekend, so the next Superman post should be up sometime early next week.