[@Kuchenlein] ====================================================================================================== [center][h1]"happy" landing[/h1][/center] [i]Meanwhile in a plane flying over the atlantic[/i] [i]"It really was a long trip!"[/i] Guevara jawns [i]"I'll be happy once it's over"[/i] [i]"It's high time you put some money into making a portal you know?"[/i] Helen replayed [i]"Yeah sure... because portals are so cheap... maybe there will be a portal in 15 years..."[/i] Guevara complained [i]"oh my you are incorregible..."[/i] Helen laughted [i]Many hours later, in the international airport of Rio de Janeiro...[/i] [i]"Well, here we are. You made me do this huge derailment. Couldn't you just land in Mexico DF?"[/i] Helen complained [i]"No can do, I have some matters to attend in Brasil and..."[/i] Guevara got interrupted by a phone call [i]"hold on... gotta take this... Yes? what? protests? really? but why now? don't know? Helen? she is with me here why you..."[/i] Guevara takes the phone of his ear and gives it to Helen [i]"He wants to speak with you?"[/i] [i]"Who?"[/i] Helen intrigued picking the phone Guevara didn't answer. He just pointed at the phone. Helen put the phone in her ear [i]"PRIME MINISTER! WHY IS IT IMPOSSIBLE TO COMMUNICATE WITH YOU!"[/i] A man shouted [i]"Ahh... marshal Hughes... I am sorry, we just arrived in the Brasilian airport, I don't really have good reception here..."[/i] Helen lied [i]"...Whatever"[/i] Hughes replayed [i]"I called president guevara because it also concerns him. There have been multiple protests in the occupied zones. The police has also reported weird graffiti appearing in several towns. They are still trying to figure out what it all means. While the situation has been pacific for now, the situation is tense. We need both of you in Washington. It's that time"[/i] he finised [i]"... time to make an official joint visiting of the mayor occupied setlements you mean?"[/i] Helen sighted [i]"Indeed"[/i] Hughes said [i]"I know it's rush and that both your agendas are tight. But you must appear in Washinton to calm the people even if it's just for a day, then we can plan a tour"[/i] [i]"I see. Have you spoke with the pairlament?"[/i] Helen asked [i]"They are actually the ones that reached this conclusion after my report last hour. Some canadian politician really value any approval they can gain in occupied soil"[/i] he scuffed [i]"What about you?"[/i] Helen asked Guevara [i]"I don't need the pairlament to give me permission for anything. Although since I was supposed to be visiting some Brasilian communities I suppose that Brasilian representatives will be quite pissed off"[/i] Guevara sighted [i]"But there is no choice in the matter, if what made my country exist to begin with is moving once more, I'll tag along. Secretary, inform the representatives of Brasil first and then the rest"[/i] [i]"Sí señor"[/i] the secretary replayed [i]"but you don't have a plane ticket to washington"[/i] [i]"No problem, I'll buy from someone. There's always people in the airport who can't take their plane. I will arrive a bit after you though if that's okay, Helen"[/i] Guevara said [i]"That's actually good, that way I can organize a proper ´´welcome´´. After all, officialy, we haven't meet in almost a year"[/i] Helen giggled [i]"Well, that sorts it out. See you in a few hours"[/i] Guevara said moving off to the main lobby of the airport followed by her secretary and 2 security guys dressed in casual clothes. [i]"Sure!"[/i] Helen added, going back to the plane.