Tess reached into the purse and toss the gum in the general vicinity of the person asking for it. “That’s it I am leaving, fuck the meds I’m supposed to ‘take.’ I ain’t sticking around just to get sick.” Tess proceeded to her next class, gym. Her oh so favorite class Coach Bitch was always on her case about something or another. In the locker room she changed into the mandatory gym clothes. For being late she was required to do suicides. She never could figure out why they were called that. Half way through her suicides when she began to feel a strange pain in her sides. It felt like two chestburters got lost and were going out her sides. She fell to her knees clutching her sides. Coach Bitch came up and asked what was wrong. Tess knew this moron knew nothing about lady problems so she used that excuse. The coach rolled his eyes and muttered something about women. Tess left for the bathroom. The closest one was designated unisex and single occupancy. She locked the door. She ripped her shirt off just in time to see a second set of arms pop out of her side. She passed out from the shock.