[hr][hr] [center] [h1][b][i][color=Gold]Rhys Asher[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/378688333867646976/422255485312565259/df0f62f8c2142e8ad9d0dec68836d9f6.png[/img][/center] [hr] [center][color=Gold]Location: The Palace[/color][/center] [hr] This Nera... She interested Rhys just as much as she worried him. Rhys valued knowledge and that he lacked knowledge on this competent spell caster was slim to none. She obliviously, or it seemed to him, was one of Fleur's. Thus he would not be able to pry [i]too[/i] deeply. Though he would pry since she had been able to lay quite the lovely spell over the Prince. The witch mother's words distracted the Rogue Wizard's thoughts. His dark eyes glittering down at the lovely woman as his face broke out into a charming smile. A trap against her? That was not absurd but it was pointless. Fleur was of more use where she was. When she wasn't? Oh, then he would play a game that would leave her as his puppet. A pawn to do his bidding in his ultimate plan to destroy the Extra Ordinary Wizards. [color=Gold]"Madam, you insult my intelligence!"[/color] He pressed a open hand over his heart in mock shock and pain. [color=Gold]"What would I gain from trying to trap such a formidable witch and ally? No, rather I was offering a bit of... sport to go with a lovely meal. You, my lovely Fleur, would never do well in a cage."[/color] Rhys prided himself on speaking the truth in every inch of those words. He have never denied that he would ensnare her but rather had turned it to the fact he wouldn't ensnare her yet. Though he thought perhaps to turn that offer to Nera. The formidable witch could possible take Fleur's place in the woman's coven. If she owed Rhys a few favors for getting there... The roguish man smile with a secretive wink. [color=Gold]"If you need [i]anything[/i], do stop by... I am always eager to help such lovely women like yourselves."[/color] With that, Rhys looked about the scene. Perhaps he ought to go run some tests upon the youngster he had locked away? The idea was a good one. But he continued to trail after the witches for the time being. It wouldn't do for this little excursion to be discovered, and what if someone accosted the lovely ladies? No, that wouldn't help his plans at all. The castle would be in a uproar. The Queen dead, a Princess spirited away? Oh, it would be glorious and he would have the chance to wrap his hands about the ExtraOrdinary Wizard's throat. But to kill her? Or to break her down by watching everything around her smolder to ashes? The latter was far more appealing. Especially with Blaize in the area. [color=Gold]"Oh, and Fleur... Should you get your hands on a Wizard- any wizard from Wizard's Tower- I will be very interesting in a bargain."[/color] Let the witch make of that what she would. He was going to get his revenge.