[h2]Archer - Sir Tristan[/h2] "Worry not, Master. Even though this war is such a sad event, your purity shines with the stark radiance of a wintery moon. There's no reason for you to be ashamed, even in the presence of your Lady," Tristan's said as he materialized, standing beside his Master. The Archer's voice didn't betray any ulterior motives for such praise; it was merely an act of him following his feelings after noticing the unrest taking a hold over the young maiden who summoned him into this world. "I'm the Archer class Servant that shall be fighting by your side in this Holy Grail War. No matter what awaits us in the future, you can count on my unerring bow as long it's the will of my Master that I lend my help to your cause," Tristan said, greeting the other present at the table with a courteous bow. All the while, the Archer remained armored, never taking the seat that was readied for him but rather remaining right by Hakuno's side, standing tall above all else. After all, how could he, a mere knight, take a seat at a table set up for his Master and her allies? This wasn't the Round Table, regardless of the infatuation of the Tohsaka household's Lady with Britain and its culture, the fact that there was visible imbalance in the positions of power of those sitting by it was easily noticeable. No, even if it was the very same Round Table he once knew, Tristan had no place on it after he left Camelot. Thus he stood by his position, guarding his Master, as a knight should rightfully be.