[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/QCgTnAH.png[/img][/center] [hr][@Zeroth][@SilverPaw][@Searat][@Kazemitsu] [color=chocolate]"I agree to the terms you have mentioned and I am willing to join your alliance."[/color] Ed replied, [color=chocolate]"I apologize if I seem ignorant or foolish, but did you just say 'mana'? Like the magical kind of mana?"[/color] Glad that he had already scored another new ally, Jason gladly responded to Edward's question. [color=darkred]"It is not foolish at all my friend! But yes, I did mean the magical sort of mana. As of right now, I have already developed several magic-based skill, and am currently working on several more including a sort of lesser telepathy naturally possessed by slimes."[/color] he explained to his new comrade before pausing for a moment. [center][color=darkred]"If you would like, I could even try to teach you some of it later. Would that interest you?"[/color][/center]