[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/csbAJ6W.png[/img] [@Plank Sinatra] [@Kaithas] [@HereComesTheSnow] [@Crimmy][/center] [color=00aeef]"I know."[/color] The two words murmured back to Lauren rippled with an undercurrent of energy. The smile that had adorned Ben's face, to one extent or another, since the class began had faded immediately and his eyes fixed themselves on the other student at the head of the class. He would keep still. The Professor had intervened, and from the look on her face... She would see to it that the lesson was learned. That didn't mean Diamond herself wasn't going to be reevaluated. Ben hadn't paid her much mind, before. He was dimly aware that she was involved in Amy's past, but not all that much had been shared with him and he hadn't pried. He'd seen the two square off in combat class, briefly, but he couldn't remember any other time he'd seen the girl. But she was on his radar, now. Not positively. Luke was on another team, yeah, but they were from the same neck of the woods. And if there was one person in the school that counted as as an honorary teammate, it was Lucas Schwarz. Damn right it was unacceptable. If she ever tried that shit again, Lauren wouldn't get the chance to kick her ass. The killing intent emanating from their little corner of the classroom truly was impressive. He'd have to tell Luke about it, later. They could probably spin a whole bit off of it. In the meantime, he squeezed Lauren's shoulder lightly and did his best to push the frown back off of his face. Wouldn't do to set a bad example, now would it?