[@Tahlko] Thank you for your concerns on this matter, and if you also want a character that is hard to kill, that's fine. But Quote5 did give a definition of his intention with this: [quote=@Quote5] It would be able to rebuild itself, even if [b]utterly[/b] destroyed. Would that be fine? [/quote] and the standard dictionary definition of immortal: ""not mortal; not liable or subject to death; undying."" doesn't discriminate, and since there wasn't any other information provided in this case, I based my answer on those two pieces of standing information. Maybe there is another word for something or someone who is highly [b]resilient[/b], [b]enduring[/b] or [b]hard to kill[/b], which would actually be okay for this RP. But not by the standard definition of immortal. So yes, [@Quote5] ""resistant. Probably regenerate from very little but not unkillable" is fine by me. [hr] I'm liking the feedback you guys are giving me so far, it's helping me draw up some guidelines that will prevent outright chaos and other things, so any other questions or concerns are welcome! That said, I should probably keep working on the IC. I'm looking forward to seeing all your characters.