Good evening, RPGuild. I have a complicated history with online roleplaying. I got into it for the first time when I was fairly young, age ten or eleven as I recall, but I went about it in an incredibly meta way. On top of roleplaying in the way that this site defines it, I was also pretending to be a much, much older person from an entirely different country because I didn't want anyone to know I was a pretentious grade-schooler who thought he was way more clever than he really was. ...Yeah, in hindsight, it doesn't make much sense to me either. Anyhow, I quit that when I was thirteen or so because I'd done some silly and embarrassing stuff online and I was finally getting old enough to understand that there was something [i]kind of shady[/i] about pretending to be someone I wasn't. Since then I've, obviously, grown up a bit. I went to college. I joined the military. I saw more of the world and learned how to talk to people without trying to sound better than I really was. So, just shy of a decade later, I'm back, because I enjoyed the hobby and want to give it another go, this time without the dumb shit. With the history lesson out of the way, here's some random shit about me: - I'm an 0621 Field Radio Operator in the U.S. Marine Corps. I'm not going to tell you my duty station, rank (other than "junior enlisted") or unit because OpSec/InfoSec, so don't even ask. I will warn y'all that because my unit does go to the field from time to time, I might not be the most consistent poster, but I'll do my damnedest. - I'm about two-thirds of the way through my physics degree, and halfway through a second one in economics. I plan on wrapping both of those up when I get out and then trying to come back as a fighter pilot. - My four main hobbies are cars, computers, cameras and arguing about geopolitics with anyone who will listen. I'm also really into the lore of Warhammer 40,000, though I don't play the tabletop game anymore. When I have the time, I read 50s-70s SF (think Asimov, Clarke etc.) novels and listen to the blues. Big ups to anyone who knows which SF author from that era I stole my screen name from. - My one true love will always be nation RP, but I have been known to enjoy more single character-focused stuff too. Hopefully I'm better at it this time around. That's about all I can think of! Have a good one, gents.