[right][sub][color=crimson]LOCATION[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]Brady Household[/color] [color=crimson]TIME[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]Evening[/color] [color=crimson]INTERACTING WITH[/color] ⤑ Alyssa [Friend] [color=crimson]FEELING[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]Tired.[/color] [/sub] [/right] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjg4LmZhOTliZi5TVzUwWlc1MGFXOXVjdywsLjAA/gradientico.regular.png[/img] [img]http://gifimage.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/anime-sunset-gif-5.gif[/img] [img]http://jennifer-helene.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/divider_ribbon1.png[/img] [/center] "[color=#CD7F32]...and that's the summary. Evan wants me to keep you updated,[/color]" Jun's voice came through her phone as Gigi sat in Helene's car. The girl nodded even though she knew he wouldn't see her, and she leaned back in her seat. She was aware of Ariadne's raid happening relatively soon and wanted to know what was happening, so she had asked for a rundown from intelligence. The good news was that Bastien was cornered, but even though it should be a relief, something didn't sit right with her. "[color=orangered]I see...[/color]" Gigi scratched her chin, though Alexander's response caught her attention. "[color=orangered]Thank you. Should anything change, I'd like to be informed if that's alright.[/color]" "[color=#CD7F32]I'll keep you posted,[/color]" He agreed, and Gigi ended the call. Pocketing her earpiece, she read the message he had sent. A movie? It had been some time since she had seen anything. Then again, her taste in movies differed from her friends', and the only one who was usually willing to see anything with her was Helene once in a while. Was seeing one with Alexander a good idea? She was surprised to find herself actually not minding the idea. Why was that? Thinking to herself, she turned on the car and began to drive. [i][color=orangered]Sure. Send me your address, I'll drive over.[/color][/i] She texted him, placing her phone on the dashboard. A thought occurred to her, and she sent him another text: [i][color=orangered]If you have anything within the horror genre, I'd like to see it.[/color][/i] [hr] The beach was the absolute last place Helene had expected Terrance to take her. Just looking at the sea gave her the chills, and she found herself having to push unpleasant thoughts away again. The last thing she wanted was to be reminded of the day's events, but it wasn't like she had a choice. Her eyes scanned the sand, but she had no idea what she was looking for. Everything looked so calm she almost thought it was romantic for a moment. He said nothing. She said nothing. For a moment she wondered why he brought her here if he wasn't going to say anything. She stole a glance at him to see if she could tell what he was going to do, but he was still. Not that she blamed him, she wasn't exactly her usual self either. Maybe she should start with her own concerns. Then came the actual apology; he was sorry for hurting her. Helene kept her eyes on the beach as he spoke, not sure what to say. No, that wasn't true, she knew what she wanted to say. She wanted to ask if that was all he had to say. Why was she expecting anymore out of him? It wasn't fair that she kept wanting more, and she felt a pit form in her stomach when she knew what she needed to do. "[color=lightsalmon]I wonder where things went wrong,[/color]" She finally broke her silence, staring at the sky. "[color=lightsalmon]Everything was so easy before. No strings attached, no commitment, no hurt feelings. That's what we agreed on. I don't understand what happened. Or rather, I thought things were business as usual when I saw you with them. Isaac was a little unexpected, but I figured it was all in good fun until you...[/color]" She hesitated, finally tearing her gaze away from the stars and looking right at Terrance with a hard stare. "[color=lightsalmon]Just tell me why, Terrance. Why are you sorry? Because you realize you were wrong to hit Isaac? Or because you realize you're a hypocrite?[/color]" She needed to know why Terrance did what he did before she could continue. "[color=lightsalmon]You can't apologize for hurting me because we're aren't anything to each other. We're not in a relationship, we aren't even lovers. We're just...nothing. Purely physical. So why would you be sorry for hurting me?[/color]" She asked, wanting answers. [hr] Letting out a yawn, Eva crawled onto Alyssa's bed, making herself comfortable. God, she was exhausted. The past few days she felt like she never had any energy whatsoever. She didn't feel sick, though she wasn't sure if it was the anemia or something else. Her lower stomach hurt a bit, and she curled up into a ball, hugging Alyssa's pillow. Maybe she should see if she could contact Dr. Galen, he always encouraged her to see him if she wasn't feeling well. But it was weird, it wasn't that she was unwell, it was just dizziness and stomach pains. She was used to the dizziness, but not the pains. Oh well, she was sure Dr. Galen would know. Alyssa walked into the room shortly afterwards, holding a plastic bag. Eva had been way too embarrassed to let Arthur know her monthlies were coming up, so she had asked Alyssa for a few supplied to tide her over, and she was immensely grateful for her friend's generosity. Alyssa placed it next to Eva's backpack and sat down next to her, curious. "[color=orange]Upset stomach?[/color]" She asked her, rubbing her shoulder in comfort. "[color=orange]Sorry, I shouldn't have made something so heavy.[/color]" "[color=pink]No, everything was great,[/color]" She assured her. "[color=pink]I'm just tired. I want to just sleep for like...the rest of the week.[/color]" Alyssa nodded in understanding, though she couldn't hide her smirk. "[color=orange]So Arthur doesn't let you sleep? Not that I blame him, any guy would be thrilled to be in his shoes,[/color]" She teased, lightly poking Eva's cheek. She blushed, hugging the pillow tighter. "[color=pink]He usually lets me sleep in, but I don't know, I've been having such a hard time getting out of bed,[/color]" She admitted, letting out a small sigh. "[color=orange]Probably just drained. You've been through a lot,[/color]" Alyssa got up from her bed, turning the lights off. "[color=orange]Take a little nap, I'll wake you up when Arthur comes.[/color]" Eva wanted to protest, but once the darkness surrounded her, she could feel her body begging her for more rest. Resting herself on the pillow, she stared at the wall for a moment. Now that she thought about it, Alyssa had a point. A lot has happened, though she hadn't thought too much on it. But that's just how Eva was: out of sight, out of mind. She didn't really like to think too much, her mind had a tendency to go straight to the deep end when she did. Taking things as they came was the only way she really knew how to handle things. What was there to think about, really? Things were out of her hands. She was powerless to do anything. She wasn't going to get along with her mother, they were never going to be civil, so what was the point? Letting out a sigh, she found herself wondering if her mother was thinking of her. Probably not, she was likely getting her notes ready for some big meaning. And it hurt to think about that because she was likely to be right. Evelyn was a businesswoman above everything. Eva would never get through to her no matter what, so that was just the way things would be forever. She thought of her father again, wondering if maybe she could at least get her to tell her who he was. Arthur had asked, too...and he was the last thought on her mind as her exhaustion finally caught up to her. [center][img]http://heartfull.life/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2016/04/divider_ribbon2.png[/img][/center]