Hello there! I normally go by many things on other sites, but for convenience, I named myself 'Kyubi' [I wanted ‘Snow’ though…]. I was dragged here by my [s]boy[/s]friend, *cough* from another site that’s not actually meant for RPing, but it happens anyways. In that, I’m not new to RPing, exploring a new life through a pre-made one. I’ve had a good decade doing different types of RPs, but I don’t do it that often, hence my style is lax and casual - noticed there’s a Casual section, which is perfect for me. As more of an observer than anything, my writings are short and to the point. I also make many mistakes and take a long [kinda] time to reply, so I ask of you to be very patient with me. There’s not much to be said of me, except I generally am an open person to talk to and I love interacting with people’s imagination, it’s fascinating to watch, and be able to come to understand someone else’s perception, altering my otherwise limited view. Well then, RP Guild, show me how far your stories stretch.