[@Lord Wraith] Great, I enjoy your Thor posts. I really think like I'm [i]right there[/i] with Thor. On a serious note I'm really enjoying the internal conflict in Thors head. I love how he refers to himself as 'Thor' in his own musings, and that he's really struggling to get a grip on his two lives. I look forward to seeing the evolution of Thor, from Hero to God and then maybe one day to King. [sub][i]This has been a paid for compliment.[/i][/sub] [hr] One of the reasons I'm down for teamups, and this is for everyone. Is I wanna set a precedent that a team up doesn't need to be this big [i]world changing[/i] thing. It can just be a quick "Oh I'm in this city and there's a bank robbery. Oh look it's Mr One Off CList villain. Let's kick his ass!" Then after some ass kicking, some hand shaking everyone goes home. Kind of in the way that in S1 of Flash, GA turns up to beat up Barry then Barry goes to Star City to help kick Captain Boomerangs ass. Team ups don't need to be something you're scared off, or are worried at doing as they take up a lot of time and a lot of effort. IMO a good team up can be as little as say, four posts.