[center] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/39/ab/2c/39ab2c95acf6979aba12f23a1a4a6934.jpg[/img] [color=orange]Name:[/color] Terra Nebula [color=orange]Fears:[/color] Terra fears life outside of the small planet of Tatooine. She of course knows of the war going on, but believes she would never be of use to either side of the war. [color=orange]Strengths:[/color] Terra is knowledgable on the mechanics of different machinery, specifically flighters. In her spare times she builds and races pods in order to make money to live off of. [img]http://i.imgur.com/RWXS08X.gif[/img] [color=orange]Biography:[/color] Terra was born on Tatooine with a mother and father who always scrounged about trying to make ends meat. They were all starved and when it seemed as though there were no other choice, they began looking into ways to get off of Tatooine and find a better home to live in, one where maybe they could survive and not have to worry about where their next meal will come from. They looked into buying safe passage to another planet, but found they had no where near the money needed to do such a thing. With that, her parents made a decision that would ultimately ruin Terra's life. To save themselves, her parents sold her as a slave to a ship mechanic in exchange for safe passage off the planet. The memories of her parents boarding a ship and never looking back still haunt her to this day. From that day forth, she has worked under her master, building ships and pods, as well as racing in highly dangerous pod racers. Her master gets 70% of her winnings, while the rest she uses to buy food and other things she needs. Every once and a while she will have just a tiny amount left over, which she puts back in hopes of one day buying her freedom and living a life of her own. [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/3o85xtYVTzJoxuNKmY/giphy.gif[/img] [/center]