[@Envay] There is very little spoilers from the light novels, as most of the world has been established in the first few episodes of the anime - and the world is primarily what the setting will draw from. None of the characters from the novels or anime will appear in this setting, except for a few omnipresent exceptions. That said, there will probably be a tiny bit of unimportant spoilers about the world. Nothing major, though. The story planned will be self contained but lore-friendly to the events of Re:Zero. People from another world are absolutely able to have Witch Genes or Divine Protections. They can have it from the start even, but they won't be able to wield their authority until certain conditions are met later in the story. Otherwise, they can receive the gene later in the story provided they have no Divine Protections. Once the RP's gotten a little more interest, I'll see about creating a discord. I'd love to have you in the RP, so feel free to ask any more questions if you're unsure. [@Letter Bee] I've messaged you about what you've messaged me about last night. [@ERode] Because of the repetitive nature of the RP, I'll be pretty lenient with posts and post rate. It'll also depend on the situation. If you're not holding anyone up then I'd really give you as much as two or three weeks before asking what's up. If it's a crucial moment, I would like the individual to post within a couple days at most. If posting would be an issue for you in this RP, we could definitely work something out so that you can still join :)