[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/QCgTnAH.png[/img][/center] [hr][@Zeroth][@SilverPaw][@Searat][@Kazemitsu] [color=chocolate]"I thank you for your generous offer Mr. Jason. I would take your offer in a heart beat but I am unsure if I even have the skill or talent to harness magic."[/color] Ed responded, [color=chocolate]"Is there a way for me to check if I have any skill or talent in harnessing magic?"[/color] [Color=darkred]'[i]What an interesting thought[/i]'[/color] Jason mused. He hadn't considered whether or not certain races were completely unable to use magic. However, the fact that as a slime; a creature meant specifically for tanking damage, could learn magic, likely meant that it could be learned by anyone. After pondering this for a few moments, Jason finally reached his conclusion.[color=darkred]"Seeing as how I learned magic by literally just spitting rocks at Asura, I'd imagine anyone can learn it. Besides, one of my currently unusable skills is labeled as [CURRENTLY INCOMPATIBLE], so I'd imagine that one can LEARN any skill, but whether or not you can USE it is what varies depending on your species, race, or perhaps other skills. But I do believe that you should be able to both learn and use magic."[/color] Just as he finished explaining his thoughts to Edward, another idea came to mind,[color=darkred]"Also, would you mind if I tested something on you real quick? It's completely harmless, and is only so I can try to further develop my skills."[/color]