[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/1jqMhxa.png[/img][/center] [right][hr][color=gray][b]Sapporo, Japan[/b] Ishin Academy, April 7th[/color][hr][/right] [i][color=purple]Everybody's so Calm.[/color][/i] Daiki's tail was swaying behind him in a sort of nervous wagging. Its so strange to be the only one crying here. So many people were introducing and announcing themselves so causally. Like it was nothing for them to make it to this school, maybe they had better quirks than him. Which isn't out of the realm of possibility, no, its very much in the realm of possibility. His quirk is pretty much useless on its own. Daiki had to train and work harder than anybody here he guessed, he had to push himself to his limits, and beyond to even be considered, but is hard work paid off and that's why he's crying. Also the fact that there was so many cute people at this school already got his heart beating in a different manner. People were introducing themselves like its the easiest thing in the world. While he was here crying like a loser. Some people were looking at him like the freak that he was, crying because he was so happy. How strange. What a weirdo. But when a boy asked if he was okay out of the blue, Daiki jumped in his seat for as he was wiping the last of his genuine tears from his eyes. Daiki's tail was standing up straight before it went back to a relaxed sway. His tears stopped falling. [color=purple]"I am alright, don't let these tears fool you, I'm very happy."[/color] Daiki said with a beaming smile now. [color=purple]"I never actually thought I make it, y'know?"[/color] Daiki said earnestly. Which the boy should take in because he's not gonna hear much truths from this boy from this point on. [color=purple]"Your name was Rikuo, right?"[/color] Daiki asked their previous crying fit all but gone now except for his reddish eyes from said fit. [color=purple]"it's nice to meet you, I am Hanamura Daiki, but you can call me Daiki and any honorifics are fine with me."[/color] Daiki said casually. Daiki than smiled mischievously and decided to comment on their accent. [color=purple]"Are you Osakan, by the way? You have a cute accent."[/color]