Okay, so maybe three posts on top of each other could be considered poor form, but I feel it is better than editing an entire paragraph into something I wrote two hours ago. On that note, in the course of two hours, with a heavy helping of procrastination, research, and staring blindly into nothingness, here is what I have so far. [hider=Li Valkyrie][i]Name:[/i] Li Valkyrie [i]Age:[/i] [i]Gender:[/i] Male [i]Appearance:[/i] [i]Parents:[/i] Lie Ren and Nora Valkyrie [i]Personality:[/i] Brave and gregarious, Li is quick to make friends and quicker to leap to their defense. He feels it is his duty to defend those around him, and is often willing to take risks or pain himself to avoid it being inflicted on those he cares about. Li is also quick with his tongue and often can be found making jokes, or light hearted barbs at his comrades. However Li overexerts himself and sometimes the stress can get to him, the numerous ways can and has failed biting at him. Despite this however he is often on the front line, laughing and smiling as he protects and inspires his allies. [i]Bio:[/i] Li’s life has been easy, but not peaceful. When victory was had over Salem many of the triumphant heroes parted ways to go about their lives, promising to meet again. Most of those promises have been impossible to keep. Nora and Ren were visiting Mistral again, to pay final respects and to enjoy themselves. They married. However before long the Grimm mutated, became far worse, far more powerful, and even less controlled. Ren and Nora soon found themselves the only guardians of a handful of small towns nestled near one another. At first times were rough, and several of the small towns were lost, destroyed and overran. However despite the odds the two huntsmen hung on, and with the aid of the townsfolk new strategies and tactics were developed to protect their domain. While the grimm were still a threat, while the grimm would always be a threat, things eased and became controllable. Ren and Nora became the de facto leaders of this small collection of villages. Contact with greater Mistral was lost early on, and the small collection of towns grew isolated, an island of relative peace in the darkness. Li was the first child born of Lie and Nora, but many followed him. The eldest of twelve siblings Li was always the one in charge of watching over his younger siblings, entertaining them and ensuring they didn’t wander too far. He was also the first to learn the ways of combat from his parents among his siblings. As he grew older Li became curious of the world outside the villages. Was there still anything out there? Of course the rare wanderer made it to the safe haven and shared rumors of the world beyond, but they were few in number. Li told his parents how he felt, and while they had obvious concern they accepted the way he felt and aided him in preparations to depart. He was well trained, and after the preparations well supplied. Of course, if he came home in anything less than one piece his mother threatened to break his legs but Li took that in the spirit in which it was meant and left his home in search of what else was out there. [i]Semblance:[/i] [i]Weapon:[/i] [i]Fears:[/i] [/hider] The formatting could probably be a bit better, but I'll worry about that last. That said, anyone have any thoughts on him?