[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/335246741425356802/401123716026859520/Umekodone.png[/img] [@Plank Sinatra] [@Crimmy][/center] The thing about justice was, it wasn't [i]always[/i] lawful. Riders weren't part of the police force, right? Well, except a couple. Not the point. The point was that methods weren't one hundred percent on the up-and-up [i]all[/i] the time. It wasn't hard to guess where Brennan got the check, not between the lies and the foreign name of its owner. The teller couldn't tell them anything, not without breaking ethical standards for his job. But he seemed new, and Umeko seemed innocent enough. Which was why when she stretched her back, getting up on tip-toes over the counter to work any kinks out of the muscles, he didn't really pay attention. Not that she could get a lot, not at that angle or in that short a time. But a look at the spelling of the name was pretty helpful, if nothing else. So she smiled sweetly while Brennan thanked the teller and picked up their bags, following him out of the bank without saying so much as a word. Nor did she, until she leaned into his side outside the establishment and rolled her eyes at him a little. [color=4169e1]"Suddenly in a good mood, hm? You can explain why over coffee. Troublemaker."[/color]