Caleb couldn't shake the fact that at every turn he was pushing Ambrose further away from the possibility of any type of relationship. Ambrose probably didn't trust him, and yet Caleb hoped there was a flicker of something there. Sighing, Caleb had stood fully and followed behind Ambrose silently. He didn't speak unless a question was asked of him or his navigational skills were used, but other than that he remained silent. Ambrose's distance did not go unnoticed, and Caleb was mentally kicking himself for letting his other side out to play. It had been a very long time since he'd let that side of his being out to play and he could tell that it yearned to be free, to roam and consume life, but he had trained, he had kept up with his mantras and he had done everything in his power to keep it at bay, to understand what it meant to be at peace. The walking continued and he stepped over the land thinking about everything that had led them to this point. When they had finally reached the temple, Caleb knew he had to keep his promise and tell Ambrose what he truly was. Ambrose signaled that they had arrived, the first words he'd spoken to Caleb since they left their camp. His voice was like sweet honey to his ears, though he doubted Ambrose knew the spell he had over him. The fact that if Ambrose wanted he could destroy Caleb's heart. Caleb stepped up to the base of the stairs that led into the temple and looked at Ambrose. "I guess this means I have to tell you everything right?" Caleb said taking his attention from Ambrose and gazing into the distance. "Where to begin? I guess explaining what I am will give you insight. I'm an Incyus, though you probably read about my kind in the library of deadly creatures. Anyways, an Incyus is a being made of pure arcane energy. We roam the worlds and consume life, at least that is what we used to do. The Headmaster and I decided to turn a new leaf and settle here on Earth, but not without stirring up our presence to other beings." Caleb sighed and turned his attention back to Ambrose. "I know what you must think of me. I'm a monster, but I wanted to keep you safe, it's what I've always wanted since I met you and I know you hate me, I know you would rather not be on this mission with me right now but..." Caleb went silent and looked down at his hands. [@Catmint]